2. When All Goes Terribly Wrong. This week has not been fun. Starting on Monday we had one tough thing after another hit us and it did not let up until the weekend. In each situation, it seemed we were on a tight rope–one missed step and it could bring about life changing or hurtful consequences. I felt very frightened and anxious. So, when I am feeling frightened and anxious I do what I know works best. I pray. My favorite part about praying is how God instantly calms me. I talk to Him about my deepest fears and there is a peace that washes over me that cannot be explained. (Phil. 4:6-7). Something inside my mind still feels like I should be worried and panicked, but I’m not. That is a miracle. Maybe things don’t resolve as quickly as I like or in the way I would like, but there is a confidence that whatever happens next is exactly as it should be. I would definitely prefer that things never go wrong, but I am learning that will never be. I am also learning that these times when I remember to pray about it rather than fuss and worry–it grows my faith and my confidence in His ability to make all things good.
3. School Research stalls. A couple of months ago I boldly announced that I was going to do some research on area schools just to see what else was out there and make sure that my boys are in the best possible environment for their learning. It has been a S-L-O-W process. I began back in March– just in time for a blizzard to hit, then, it was spring break, then another snow storm hit, and well…it’s taking more time than I thought it would.
I’m finding that meeting with school principals is about as much fun as meeting with used car salesmen (nothing against anyone in these professions). They’re trying to sell something and they have an agenda about what they want you to know. I have some specific questions that are important to me and it’s been a bit tricky getting them answered. I hope to at least have our current school district covered by the end of the school year (there’s only 2 1/2 weeks left. Yikes!).
4. The Kid Who Would Be King. I’ve been wanting to see this movie for a while. It’s a spin on the King Arthur story and we just loved it. I was a little surprised about some of the scary images of a PG movie, but overall we thought it was a great story and fun to watch.
5. Make your own Microwave Popcorn. I was flipping channels earlier this week and landed on a Rachel Ray episode. She was talking popcorn–so, of course, I paused. She demonstrated that you can use a plain ole brown paper bag, put a little popcorn in it and pop it in the microwave. It pops up the same as the ready made bags I spend a fortune on every week. My mind is blown. I had no idea. I feel like this is really important information that needs to be put out immediately–maybe using the emergency broadcast system. You still have to add butter and salt–but guys, this is HUGE!