1.Ron’s Gone Wrong. What an absolutely delightful movie! It’s about a nerdy kid, Barney, who’s the only one in his class without the latest and greatest technology–a robot who is “Your Best Friend Out of the Box”. He ends up getting one that is broken, malfunctioning and has all sorts of funny quirks. It’s just a wonderful story about how to be a true friend. We all loved it. It’s rated PG (you can read the parent guide here).
2.Obi-Wan Kenobi. Disney + has released the first 4 of 6 episodes of this Star Wars side story. It’s about what was going on with Obi-Wan Kenobi in the years after the Star Wars VI. Which–for those of you without a Star Wars know-it-all in your family–is the one where Anakan Skywalker has become Darth Vader and Princess Amidala has died in childbirth to twins (Luke and Leia) They are placed in two different families and Obi-Wan is on the same planet as Luke–to keep watch over him. The Empire is actively hunting down and killing all the remaining Jedi. My boys are ecstatic that they are including so many characters that they have learned about in books and the cartoon TV shows…that they have never put in the movies before (the Inquisitor’s). We are LOVING it! It’s rated TV-14 and I don’t recommend for younger kids–there’s some intense battles and sometimes some of the “bad” guys can seem pretty scary (you can read the parent guide here).
3. The Blacklist–Season 9. We have really enjoyed this TV series starring James Spader as the FBI’s most wanted and notorious criminal–Raymond Reddington. The whole premise of the show is that rather than imprisoning him, they allow him to continue with his criminal life as long as he uses his vast network and provides them with other powerful criminals to capture and imprison. Throughout each season, there has been characters to love and despise. Overall, I enjoyed this one. I was relieved that at the end, they tied up a lot of loose ends and that it seems that some rather annoying characters and story lines won’t be returning for season 10. It’s rated TV-14, but I don’t really recommend it for kids. There’s a lot of adult situations and violence (you can read the parent guide here).
4. Edge of Tomorrow. Super Rockstar and I watched this movie several years ago (it’s from 2014) and loved it. To be honest–I had forgotten all about it, but last week we were staying in a hotel and looking for a movie to enjoy as a family. It was airing on regular TV, so we decided it would be edited enough for it to be OK for the boys to watch (bad language bleeped out, etc). They LOVED it. It’s about a soldier who is sent to fight alien monsters that have attacked our planet. He’s thrown into the mix and ends up killing one of the “Alpha’s”. When the blood is spilled on him, it trips up the time-line. (you’ll have to see the movie to understand) It’s kind of like the movie Groundhog day–in that he starts reliving the same day over and over. What he finds out is that because of this–he is able to figure out eventually (with the help of Rita–played by Emily Blunt) how to defeat the aliens. It’s rated PG-13–there’s a lot of violence, the alien monsters would be scary for younger kids and there’s quite a bit of foul language (you can read the parent guide here).
I would love to hear our opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.