1. Our Flag. I just want to stand up and put my hand over my heart every time I see Old Glory wave.
2. Our Holidays. I have one word for you. Turkey. It’s delicious and we get to celebrate being thankful WHILE we indulge in an abundance of delicious foods. But, we also have so many holidays that I love because they celebrate our freedom, appreciation of laborers, and individuals that have earned our honor–those that have served and those that have sacrificed. Can I get an amen?
3. Our Education System. Not only do we have education for our kids, there are so many choices in how they can receive that education.
4. Our National Parks and Open Spaces. Yellowstone National Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, the Grand Canyon–those are just a few examples of the amazing beauty of our nation.
5. Our Music. It does not get any better than Bon Jovi in my humble opinion, but I LOVE that our nation represents SO many different genres. There is something for everyone and our music is a true reflection of the big ole melting pot we get to call home.
What are your favorite things about our country? Feel free to share and remember–keep smiling!