1.Drools the Dog gets his forever home. A couple of weeks ago, we heard about a dog named Drools that had lived in an animal shelter in Monte Vista, Colorado for a long, long time. After several news stations ran his story, he was finally adopted after 729 days. Yay Drools!
2.Athlete with Downs Syndrome finishes an Iron Man Race. Chris Nikic may not have had the fastest time recorded in Iron Man racing history, but he did make history as being the first man with Downs Syndrome to finish an Iron Man race. Way to go Chris!
3. Eleven Year Old Makes Flags of Gratitude. Callie Danysh has been painting flags with encouraging messages to support her community since the pandemic hit in March. She leaves them anywhere she thinks folks could use a boost–whether it’s essential workers at hospitals or local businesses. Most recently she did a collection to honor veterans. What an inspiring and kind hearted young lady!
4. Grandson takes in his 95-year-old WWII Vet Grandpa on an Epic Bucket List RV Trip. This story brought tears to my eyes. When Johnnie Dimas lost his wife of 67 years, he also lost his full time caregiver. He didn’t want to be placed in a nursing home, so his Grandson, Roger and wife, Jo took him in. There were so many places he had always wanted to go, so they bought an RV and took him to as many places as they could before his passing in August of this year–including several WWII museums where he was celebrated by all who met him.
5. ‘Watershed’ Coronavirus Vaccine Looks to Be 90% Effective in Phase 3 of Clinical Trial. I know it’s too soon to get overly excited, but this is a HUGE positive step. I know we are all anxious for life to return to “normal” and perhaps having a vaccine available is going to help get us there faster. You know it must be promising if Dr. Fauci is saying positive things. Haha!
What good things have you heard about this week? Feel free to share anything you find and remember–keep smiling!