1. Fill The Stadium. Compassion International sponsors children in poverty all over the world. Because of Covid, they have had to cancel over a thousand events that are directly responsible for connecting sponsors with the children. Most sporting venues hold around 70000 seats with an average price of $500 for a group of 4 people. Since no one can purchase tickets to these sporting events right now, Compassion has partnered with professional athletes to encourage their fans to “Fill the Stadium” by donating the money they would have spent on a days entertainment to a child in poverty. $500 will provide education, food and clothing to a child for an entire year. Many of the athletes themselves have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the campaign.
2. Neighbors help ‘King of Christmas’ get his lights up. Tom Thomas is known for doing a fantastic display of Christmas lights every year, but this year he is caring for his wife who has stage 4 cancer and is unable to get it done. Neighbors heard about it and decided to help him out. I love how folks come together to help each other–this story is what the true meaning of Christmas is all about.
3. NASA’s Hubble Telescope Captures a Rare Metal Asteroid Worth 70,000 Times the Global Economy. If anyone is looking for some Christmas shopping ideas for me, I wouldn’t mind a chunk of this asteroid. Oh sure it’s about a 230 mile space journey, but if you hurry, I think there’s time. It’s made entirely of iron and nickel, is about the size of Massachusetts and has an estimated value 10,000 quadrillion (If you’re curious what that number looks like–here ya go: $10,000,000,000,000,000,000). I don’t need a big piece–just about a cool million dollar size. Maybe it could fit in the overhead bin compartment of your space ship.
4. ‘The World’s Loneliest Elephant’ Gets a New Home. Kavaan had been living in isolation and poor conditions in a zoo in Pakistan for several decades. His story got out and thanks to some caring folks–including Cher– he now he has moved to a lush sanctuary and has already made a friend. Yay Kavaan!
5. Pueblo Man Spreading Holiday Cheer Giving Bikes to Kids. 5 years ago Robert Jara of Pueblo, Colorado wanted to spread Christmas cheer by giving bikes to kids that needed them. He was able to give 10 bikes that first year. This year, he is giving away 60. That’s 60 very happy kids this Christmas! I love his heart!
What good things have you heard about this week? Feel free to share anything you find and remember–keep smiling!