1. An App to Help Those With Special Needs Make Friends. Juliana Fetherman has a brother with autism and ADHD. She was bothered for years that he struggled to connect with people and make friends, so she designed an app called Making Authentic Friendships for people like her brother. What an amazing sister!
2. Lenny the Lizard Has His Own Cookbook. Valerie Musser is a chef and has been working on writing her own cookbook for years. With quarantine restrictions, she found that she had some extra time on her hands and decided to have her pet lizard, Lenny, get in on the project too. It’s called “Chef Lenny: Cooking for Humans”. It includes wonderful photos of Lenny in a chef hat, with miniature pots and pans and lizard size portions. This made me smile big.
3. Girl Donates All of Her Birthday Money to Homeless Man Who Returned Her Grandmother’s Wallet. Mikayla Gounard had already determined that she wanted to ask for donations to a charity for her 12th birthday in lieu of presents. But, when she learned that a homeless man had found and returned her Grandmother’s missing wallet, she decided that he should be the recipient. I love the heart of kids that just want to give. Happy Birthday Mikayla! May God richly bless you for your generous heart!
4. Hero Plumber has Helped Thousands During Pandemic–Fixing Their Plumbing and Heating For Free. Years ago, James Anderson, founded Depher (Disabled and Elderly Plumbing and Heating Emergency Response). He saw how the elderly and disabled were often taken advantage of by competitors and decided to do something about it. With the pandemic, he saw the needs increase–with so many losing their jobs. So, he and his team got to work–giving folks the service they need for free. I’m so glad people like James exist in this world!
5. 3000 days on Mars. NASA’s Curiosity Rover has spent the last 8 years rolling around the red planet sending back numerous photos and data. I find it fascinating that we can be on another planet without, you know, being on another planet. Truly miraculous!
What good things have you heard about this week? Feel free to share anything you find and remember–keep smiling!