1. Kenyan Woman’s Startup Recycles Plastic Waste Into Bricks That Are 5x’s Stronger Than Concrete. Nzambi Matee has my undivided attention. She is a brilliant woman who has figured out how to do something useful with plastic waste. She not only came up with a way to use the waste to make sturdy building materials, but also designed the machinery necessary to do it. I am so impressed!
2. Icicle That Looks Like A Hummingbird. Tammy Shriver of Michigan opened her blinds one frosty morning to behold a glorious site. The melting snow that ran off of her rooftop onto a nearby tree created a natural ice sculpture that looks just like a humming bird. I don’t think a professional ice sculptor could have done a better job.
3. Amateur Treasure Hunter Unearths Missing Centerpiece of Henry VIII’s Crown. Kevin Ducket has been hunting treasure for years, but just happened to be searching a previously undisturbed site when he unearthed something very unique. After some extensive research, he discovered that it was the missing center piece from Henry VIII’s crown. What’s even better–this tiny little 1″ piece is worth about 2.7 million dollars. Whoa!
4. ‘I’m Not A Cat,’ Lawyer Tells Judge When He Can’t Change the Zoom Filter. Attorney Ron Ponton was unable to change the cute kitty Zoom filter during a Texas court hearing. The video is so hilarious as he explains to the judge that he’s not a cat. I’m impressed that the others on the call weren’t busting up with laughter–they were so calm in trying to help him figure it out.
5. Giant Xylophone in a Japanese Forest Uses Gravity to Play the Most Ethereal Bach Music. This is SO cool! Creative Director Morihiro Harano and his team at Mori Inc. worked with carpenter Mitsuo Tsuda and sound engineer Kenjiro Matsuo and built a giant wooden xylophone in the forest that plays Bach’s Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring by placing a wooden ball that plays the notes as it travels down. You have to watch the video. It’s amazing!
What good things have you heard about this week? Feel free to share anything you find and remember–keep smiling!