1. Penguins Get a Field Trip to an Art Museum. Three Humboldt penguins from the Kansas City Zoo got to visit the nearby Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art for a day. The museum’s director was surprised by their artistic tastes–reporting that as they wandered the halls, they were more impressed with Baroque pieces and seemed uninterested in the Monet’s. Who knew penguins had specific tastes in art? Can you imagine watching them waddle around? I’ll bet they had a blast.
2.Teen Uses CPR to Save Friend’s Life After Car Crash. Two teens from Florida were in a car accident and thanks to a class one of them had recently taken on learning CPR, she was able to save her best friend’s life. Wow! I’m SO impressed with this young lady for her quick thinking and applying what she had learned in an actual emergency situation.
3. Friends Who Met at Work Find Out They Are Biological Sisters. Cassandra Madison met Julia Tinetti at a bar where they both worked in Connecticut. Co-workers often teased them that they looked like sisters and since they were both adopted, they decided to do some DNA research and find out. It turns out they are full biological sisters. How amazing is that?
4. Embarrassed Student Had a Bad Haircut, So the Principal Helps Out and Gives Him an new Do. Anthony Moore showed up at school wearing a hat–which is against the rules. When he was sent to the office for refusing to remove his hat, Principal Jason Smith discovered that he was wearing it because he was embarrassed about a bad haircut he received. Rather than disciplining him, the principal gave him a new do. I think Principal Smith deserves an A plus, plus, plus for this kind act.
5.Musical Instruments Carved From Ice and Performed By Musicians in Igloo Concert Hall. My jaw hit the floor with this one. Tim Linhart, an American ice sculptor-turned-instrument maker learned from trial and error how to carve a complete orchestra out of frozen water. Not only that, he creates igloo type amphitheaters for musicians to perform playing these instruments. This is truly magical!
What good things have you heard about this week? Feel free to share anything you find and remember–keep smiling!