1.Man Visits Beauty School to Learn How to do Hair for Wife Whose Vision is Deteriorating. This story is so touching. A man from Red Deer Alberta recently showed up at a beauty school asking if they could teach him how to use a curling iron so he could do his wife’s hair. Her vision had been getting worse and she had recently burned herself several times–so he wanted to step up and help her. That, my friends, is true love.
2. Toddler Rescued From Bay in Ocean City Following Multi Vehicle Crash. A crash involving several cars happened on a bridge in Ocean City sending a two year old into the bay. A Good Samaritan jumped from the bridge into the bay to save the child. What a hero!
3.Space X Lands 4 Astronauts in the Ocean for NASA Successfully Completing the US’s Longest Human Spaceflight. The astronauts of the Crew-1 mission have successfully landed back on earth after completing a 6 month long mission in space. I will never ever tire of hearing about the miracle and wonder of space travel.
4. Phenomenal 6 yo Skateboarder Performs in Pink Party Dresses and Leopard Print Helmet. Paige Tobin is gaining some notoriety in Australia for her skills on a skateboard and doing it with style–she even won her age bracket in Melbourne’s King of Concrete competition. Watch the video–she is just precious!
5. ‘The Manta’ Sailing Vessel is Designed to Feed on Plastic Waste for Power–While Cleaning Oceans. A professional yacht racer got fed up with constantly running across floating mats of plastic trash, so he designed an ocean-cleaning sailboat that is powered by the waste it collects. That is innovation at its best!
What good things have you heard about this week? Feel free to share anything you find and remember–keep smiling!