1.Dad Creates ‘stick library’ for dogs at a local park that was lacking in a good stick selection. Andrew Taylor of Kaiapoi, New Zealand, had some extra branches that he decided to cut into fetchable size sticks for a nearby park. He created a box to put them in with a sign that that says “Stick Library. Please Return.” Since he placed it in the park, numerous dogs have enjoyed a good game of fetch. What a neat idea.
2. 9-Year-old Hero Unlocks Dad’s Phone With His Face as Carbon Monoxide Fills Home and Overtakes Parents. After some high winds caused major power outages in New England, many resorted to generators to power their homes. Nine year old Jayline Barbosa Brandeo was home with her family when she heard her father screaming and found her mother lying unconscious. The fumes from their generator were quickly filling their home with Carbon Monoxide and her Dad was overtaken too. Quick thinking Jayline grabbed her father’s phone to call 911, but it was locked. She held the phone to his face to unlock it and was able to call emergency service and neighbors. What a sharp young lady!
3.Dwayne Johnson Gives $30,000 Truck To Man Who Took Him in When He Was a Homeless Teenager. I enjoy all of Dwayne Johnson’s movies and also have enjoyed hearing the story of how he overcame great odds to get to where he is now. He seems to really enjoy paying it forward to those that helped him along the way. Bruno Lauer took him in when ‘The Rock’ found himself homeless as a youngster in Tennessee. As a thank you, Dwayne purchased him a really nice truck earlier this year. What a cool gesture.
4. World’s Longest Undersea Cable to Send Clean Energy From Morocco to the UK–Powering 7 Million Homes. A tiny English village–only 236 residents–is about to become the center of a revolutionary new undersea cable that will connect them to Morocco. It is estimated that it will import enough sun and wind-generated energy to the UK to supply 7 millions homes by 2030. Wow!
5. France’s First Public Official with Down Syndrome Helps Everyone See Disability Differently. In 2020 Eleanor Laloux was appointed municipal-councilor of Arras under mayor Frederic Leturque. She has received continual praise for her colorful nature, desire to make people smile and for promoting the inclusivity of disabled persons in society. She has also been awarded the National Honor of Merit–the second highest civilian honor roll in the country. I would love to meet her–she sounds like an amazing human.
What good things have you heard about this week? Feel free to share anything you find and remember–keep smiling!