1.Dude With Sign. This is so funny. This guy started holding up random “protest” signs last year and has an Instagram account to document them. Some are serious, some are crude, but most are just plain funny.
2. Born Alive Executive Order. President Trump has vowed to sign an executive order to protect all babies born alive. This is awesome. I love that our president seeks to protect human lives–especially the smallest of them all.
3. Billionaire Reaches Goal of Giving Away His Entire Fortune in His Lifetime. I love this! Chuck Feeney started giving away the fortune he had acquired 38 years ago. His desire was to enjoy giving it away while he was alive rather than donating it after he was no longer here. All of his donations were anonymous and I’m sure the recipients were very grateful. I guess he misplaced my address. Oh well.
4. The Bull Who Thinks He’s A Show-Jumping Horse. Ferdinand move over–this bull isn’t just smelling flowers, he’s high jumping and strutting his stuff. This sweet guy is proof that if you try hard enough, you can achieve your dreams.
5. Good Solution For Social Distancing Trick or Treating. With Halloween coming up and the CDC already cautioning us against enjoying the traditions of the holiday, this family in Ohio came up with –what I think– is a very viable solution. A long tube to slide the candy down. I hope that folks don’t ruin yet another much needed bit of joy by not participating. Come on guys–we’re all going to be wearing masks and I NEED my Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups!
What good things have you heard about this week? Feel free to share anything you find and remember–keep smiling!