There isn’t anything positive (that I can think of)about having a broken ankle–but the top things that make it REALLY hard are:
- No driving. At all. I tried to convince Super Rockstar that I could learn to drive left footed–but he said “No. No you can’t”.( I later confirmed this with my Doctor just in case he was mistaken)(always best to ask a professional).
- The crutches. –my armpits are raw from the constant rubbing. What sort of barbarian invented an item that is designed to bear your whole body weight–but yes, let’s put RUBBER against sensitive underarm skin. It feels like sandpaper
- Limited mobility. My whole life has become about navigating safe paths to and from places to sit (my boys seem determined to set out an obstacle course of toys for me to maneuver every day), balancing on one leg (I’m thinking about taking up figure skating or balance beam competitions when this is all said and done) and coming up with creative ways to bring my belongings from room to room (a back pack, a fanny pack, and kicking things with my good foot). My son, Morgan, came up with a pretty cool pully system for the laundry basket.
- No exercising. I know what your thinking–“you lucky, lucky girl.” Apparently the best way for a broken ankle to heal is to sit with leg elevated for 6 weeks straight. It was nice to have a bit of a break–but now I’m starting to miss my weekly routine. I have noticed that just doing basic stuff on one leg can equate as a good exercise regimen though. Right now my work outs include left leg burns as I balance on my only working leg trying to break the record for how many times I can drop something accidently on the floor and pick it up (8 times is my personal best), pulling myself up and down stairs on my bum has been a great triceps and ab workout (feeling the burn), and just crossing from one room to another on crutches leaves me out of breath and sweating. Oh, and let’s not forget Polo style sweeping the floor on the knee scooter.
- Boredom. The whole sitting around, watching TV, reading and doing nothing for 6 weeks seemed pretty awesome– for the first week. But, being mostly house bound at week 5 has taken it’s toll. Super Rockstar indulges my need for adventure by taking me for drives in the evenings so I won’t go all rogue, saw off my cast and attempt to run off into the sunset singing “Born Free”.
Next Wednesday is the magical end of week 6. I am well aware that once they cut off this cast I will not be running and skipping out of the Dr.’s office. But, so help me, if they even attempt to put anything on this leg besides a walking boot–well… let’s just make sure that doesn’t happen.