So, my own weight loss journey began a long, long, LONG time ago. To be honest–I don’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t worried about my weight. But, I’ve had more excess than I would like since the birth of my 2nd child back in 2009.
Over the years desperation led me try just about everything: Weight Watchers, My Fitness Pal, cutting out dairy, bread, and carbs (what’s left?!), and sometimes even starving myself. And exercise. Oh. my. goodness. The things I have done to whip my body into shape. I have run miles and miles. I have biked. I have done Pilates. I have done Sean T workouts. I have lifted weights. Listen, I don’t have a problem with any type of working out–in fact, I find that I need it for stress relief as well as health, but I was working myself into exhaustion and the wear and tear was so evident. Plus, I was weak from hunger all the time–not good when you have two very rambunctious boys that just want you to play with them.
About a year and a half ago I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and I ran across this headline: “Why I quit the Trim Healthy Mama plan” from a trusted blogger that I follow. I had heard a few rumblings here and there about Trim Healthy Mama, but I’ll be honest, I was at such a low point that my whole attitude was that it was just someone else selling snake oil and making promises that were unrealistic that only lead to further failure. So, this blog post title intrigued me. I just KNEW I was going to read that this person had tried it and gained weight. But, instead this writer talked about how she tried the plan for a few months and ended up losing too much weight–so she had to quit. WELL, I needed no further evidence than that! A plan where you lose TOO MUCH weight? Sign me up! I bought the book that day.
(click on picture to order)
I read the first chapter in the book and just cried. Everything that the authors described that they had gone through was exactly what I had experienced. What stood out right away was that they weren’t proposing a diet plan–where you follow certain meals all laid out for you each day. In fact, they emphasized very quickly that this is all about you learning to make choices to suit your own body, lifestyle and health situation. They introduced a whole new way of putting together the meals. The plan simply broken down is that you choose either a Carb meal (E meal) or a Fat meal (S meal) and anchor it with a protein (meat of some sort). When you are in weight loss mode you don’t mix high carbs with high fats. They go into a lot more detail in their book, but the gist of it is that you don’t have to cut out food groups or carbs or even sweets. It’s just about how you put them together. I’ll be honest–it took me a little bit of time to get the hang of it. But, like I said, a life time of bad habits takes a bit of time to overcome.
Looking back, I realize that God used that person’s blog post to encourage me into trying something new. He knew my battered and bruised heart couldn’t take any more disappointments and this was probably the only way I was going to give something else a shot. No, I haven’t lost so much weight that I have to quit the plan (I wish), but since I started seriously following the plan I have had success–and it’s staying off. To be honest, I have enjoyed it so much that I plan to stick with it long after I reach my goal weight. I don’t want to feel like I used to–fat, gross, exhausted and so tired of failing.
With Thanksgiving next week and Christmas and New Years just around the corner, I just wanted to share with you something that I have found that–so far–is working. I don’t want you to feel the despair I have felt and the “throwing in the towel and giving up only to regret it later” that I have experienced. Yes, I plan to enjoy all of my favorite foods come Thursday and I won’t feel an ounce of guilt or regret. Because–the next day, I will get right back to the plan and keep chugging along. I will keep you posted on my journey and I hope you will join me in it. Let me know how I can encourage you.
P.S. The plan works great for guys too–I just haven’t convinced my southern boy, everything must be fried husband, Super Rockstar, of that yet. Haha!
P.P.S. They have a cookbook I bought and have thoroughly enjoyed:
(click on picture to order)
And a brand new book they just came out with that really simplifies the whole plan:
(click on picture to order)
Psalm 45:3-4
Gird your sword upon your side, clothe yourself with splendor and majesty. In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds.
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