A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. 1.Snow Day #1. We ended Fall Break just in time for a snow storm to hit and give my boys an extra day off. Of course we went sledding and had a blast. 2. Pumpkin Carving. We have a tradition of carving our pumpkins…
Category: Coffee Break
Coffee Break–Volume 31: It’s all about Fall Break
A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. We just finished a two week Fall Break. The boys LOVED not having school and homework–and I have to admit–I did too. School breaks are when we have the opportunity to visit fun places and do things we normally don’t have time to and…
Coffee Break–Volume 30
A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. 1.Fall Break Time. What is fall break? It is the two week break that our school district gives us (when the weather has started turning cold and unpleasant) INSTEAD of the two extra weeks of summer break (when the weather as warm and glorious)…
Coffee Break–Volume 29
A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. 1.Two gigs in one day?! It can’t be done! But, they did it. Super Rockstar’s band, SofaKillers ,pulled off two very successful gigs in one day. The first one was a neighborhood fall festival. My boys LOVED going since it had all sorts of…
Coffee Break–Volume 28
A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. 1. Ozark. I love, love, love this show. It’s on Netflix and there are currently 2 seasons to enjoy. They go a little heavy on the debauchery (think Game of Thrones) and there’s quite a bit of violence, but we really enjoyed it (I…
Coffee Break–Volume 27
A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. 1. Flag Football: I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it yet–but did you know it’s FOOTBALL season?!! Fall is my most favorite season of the year (and it ain’t because of the pumpkin spice latte’s. BLECH!). I just LOVE the cooler temperatures, the changing…
Coffee Break–Volume 26
A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. 1.Earnin some dough. We always have our boys do regular daily and weekly chores around the house, but they have now reached the age where their smallish allowance for doing these chores ain’t cuttin it. They want to earn MORE. Since child labor laws…
Coffee Break–Volume 25
A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. 1.Hello Neighbor. My younger son, Grayson has a new obsession. It’s all about this– new to him– video game called Hello Neighbor. We let him buy it with some money he received back in July and it has been the topic of everything that…
Coffee Break–Volume 24
A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. 1.The Parade–Black Forest is a really cool neighborhood in our community. There are many beautiful trails to hike, bike, jog, and ride horses on and it also has a little mini “downtown” area with restaurants, bars and a few unique shops. Every year they…
Coffee Break–Volume 23
A weekly list of things accomplished, enjoyed, learned, tried and remembered. 1. A new camping adventure. Last year we tried out a new to us campsite called Jellystone resort (you can read about our fun adventure here). We were planning to visit again this year and made our reservation well in advance. However, we got…