1. 8th Grade Graduation. Oh my heart. My older son, Morgan, is officially done with middle school and will be heading to high school next year. I can’t handle how fast this whole growing up thing happens. I still remember vividly dropping him off for his first day of half day kindergarten (I chose half day because I couldn’t bare the thought of him being gone from my side for too long). There were these giant kids going into the building at the same time whom I found out were the 8th graders. 8th grade seemed like an eternity away. Now, here we are. He’s the giant kid now and is on his way to a whole new venture. I am so proud of how far he has come.
He also got to go to an 8th grade only dance right after their graduation ceremony. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall watching (and reliving) all the early teen awkwardness–girls to the right, boys to the left and messengers going back and forth seeing who likes whom. Ah…youth. He won a door prize for being best dressed–the golden tuxedo wins the day.
2. Gig at Viewhouse. Now that restrictions have FINALLY been lifted, SofaKillers was asked to play at Vewhouse once again. You might remember that their first time here–back in September of 2020, things were a bit…dicey (you can read about that here).
The fans showed up in full force, the guys played their awesome tunes and there was even a dance floor to dance on this time. I can’t tell you how good it feels to act normal–listening to my favorite band play my favorite songs (the lead singer is so HOT!) and get to dance ON A DANCE FLOOR with my favorite fellow SofaKillers fans–it was a blast!
On a side note–I did notice that the waiter from before wasn’t there. I’m worried that he hasn’t recovered mentally or emotionally from the last time the guys played there.
3. Summer Break Begins. My boys are officially on their summer break. It’s been interesting this year to see how un-thrilled they are about it–at least right now. With so many quarantines and restrictions this past year–I think they were needing a bit more time with friends at school. Especially Morgan–he’s been a bit melancholy realizing that for the first time in his life, he will be going to a different school next year away from all those he has known since kindergarten. I think it’s hit him kind of hard realizing he may never see most of these kids again. Thankfully, the school hosted a Skate City night our first week of break–so they were both able to see a few friends one last time. It had been a long time since we had been there and both boys had a blast skating the night away.
We also got to go to some garage sales and Grayson found some fun games that entertained us for a couple of days. One was a miniature throw balls into hoops game–Morgan is the high scorer on that one. And the other was Wheel of Fortune–none of us can compete with Super Rockstar.
4. What We Watched. Johnny English, The Maze Runner, Wuthering Heights, and Sense and Sensibility–just click the link to read our reviews.
5. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!