1.My Mom’s Cooler Than Your Mom. I know your Mom is cool, but is she–“volunteer for disaster clean up” cool? Is she–“knows how to use a chain saw” cool? Is she– “lift logs and haul them away” cool? My parents have spent their retirement years doing all sorts of projects for others–painting, building, repairing. But, one of the things they have done that I think is so awesome is to volunteer with a church that goes to disaster areas for clean up. Recently, my Mom went to Louisiana to help with the aftermath of hurricane Ida. Oh, and did I mention she’s 80 years old? Yeah. I think she wins the cool prize.
2. Spirit Week at the Boys’ Schools. This past week was School Spirit Week at both my boys’ schools. They love getting to take a break from wearing their uniforms and are always happy to participate. Morgan looked great in his dress like the 80’s day and Grayson’s favorite is always the wear PJ’s day.
3. A Fun Party Gig. Our friends, Hal and Lori always host a super fun costume party every fall and have SofaKillers provide the entertainment. Each year has a different theme–and this time it was Woodstock. I absolutely loved seeing everyone in their grooviest best and the SofaKillers guys put on a great show. Can you dig it? Thank you for another great party, Hal and Lori!
4. What We Watched. We watched a whole lotta movies this past week. Just click the link to check it out and read our reviews.
5. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!