1.The last week of school. What a drastic difference my boys had in their last week before Christmas break. My younger son, Grayson, is in middle school–and it was all about fun. There wasn’t any real schoolwork and they got to have different holiday dress up themes every day–including “ugly sweater” day. He and I created a horrible masterpiece and I’m very proud of him for wearing it all day. Morgan, however, is a freshman in high school. His week was a rigorous schedule of finals every day. Poor guy–his entire week was study/take finals/study take more finals/study/take even more finals. He was exhausted, Super Rockstar was exhausted, I was exhausted–at one point I swear Barney was heavy sighing from listening to all the quizzing and questioning. We are SO glad for Christmas break.
2. A Christmassy Night. We got to enjoy a really nice evening out as a family doing some fun Christmassy type activities. We started with taking the boys shopping for toys to donate to a local Toys for Tots drop off location at Boot Barn Hall. While we were there, we went to see our good friends Matt and Mary Kaye Podschweit. (Matt is in SofaKillers with Super Rockstar). Mary Kaye just released a new book called New Beginnings and was doing a book signing event. You can purchase her books on Amazon–I highly recommend them all. After purchasing a few of her books, we enjoyed going to another friend’s Christmas party hosted in their beautiful home. The boys were thrilled to see their basement–it’s a gamers heaven.
3. New Ornaments. We continue the tradition of letting the boys pick out new Christmas ornaments each year. Morgan chose a miniature PKE meter (from Ghostbusters) and Grayson chose Joker. They both make lots of noise and it’s great. Just great….
4. What We Watched. We finished up the Matrix series and now have started Kingsman. Just click the link to read our reviews.
5. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!