1. Meet Scooter. My parents are really great gift givers and they always spoil us with things we would never even consider buying for ourselves. They gifted us an i-Robot vacuum for Christmas and let me tell you–it is pure luxury. During the setup phase, we got to name our new robot vacuum and chose ‘Scooter’. Scooter is AWESOME! He is very thorough and takes care of himself. I don’t have to worry about emptying out all he pics up–he does that himself. Anytime his battery gets low, he comes back to his station to charge. AND, I can program a schedule if I want to, so I don’t have to remember to vacuum–Scooter knows. There’s been a bit of a learning curve–as he has gotten stuck on items a time or two, but he over-comes and soldiers on in his gritty determination to vacuum every square inch of any surface he finds himself on. Welcome to the Glenn home, Scooter. We had no idea how much we needed you until we got you.
2. The Cars Situation. The month of January will go down in our family history as the ‘car fiasco of 2022’. New Years Eve 2021, I was sick as a dog and Super Rockstar was playing a gig. Just before midnight, I drove out to where he was playing so I could give him our traditional–ring in the new year–smooch. A layer of snow had fallen and the roads were pretty slick. Upon exiting a highway and curving right on a side road, my jeep slid and I ended up slamming into a curb. I hit pretty hard, but there was no visible damage and I was able to keep going. It wasn’t until the following day that I noticed that my steering wheel was turned sideways as I was driving straight. Hmm. That didn’t seem right. Upon checking it out, we discovered some VERY big damage had occurred and it was in need of some expensive repairs. Enter our insurance company.
Meanwhile, Super Rockstar’s truck had been making a strange scraping noise for a few weeks. We didn’t think much of it until we had to take my Jeep in for repair. The scraping noise was getting louder and we both got nervous that something more serious was going on. Since we were still jumping through insurance hoops for the Jeep and it was apparent that it would be a couple more weeks until we could get it back, we decided to rent a car and take his truck in. Oh. My. Goodness. It was a good thing we did. We found out that, it too, needed a very costly repair and had we kept driving–we could have been in a very serious accident (as in the truck flipping if the part had completely gone out).
The drama continues as we finally got our insurance to pony up for my Jeep repairs, but one of the parts won’t be here until May. Good golly! The good news is I was able to get it back and can drive it gently (around town) until the part comes in. We were able to return the itty bitty rental car we had been tooling around in (and paying a small fortune for every day). We were hoping to have Super Rockstar’s truck back by now–but alas, the drama continues. Sigh. I’m just so grateful to have one of our cars back. The four of us plus Barney fitting into a low riding sedan –well we felt like we were getting in and out of those tiny clown cars. There are not too many things I loathe more than having to spend our hard earned money on car repairs. Such a fun way to start our year.
My Jeep:
Super Rockstar’s Truck:
The tiny “clown car” rental:
3. Snow Days! We’ve had a few smatterings of snow here and there this year, but we finally got our first major dumping of snow last week. At our home we got a whopping 6″ It meant staying home in our warm wonderful home, the boys got to have TWO snow days out of school (and mercifully didn’t have to do online learning), and it was just beautiful! We watched movies, Super Rockstar shoveled and shoveled, I went for a hike, of course we went sledding (duh!) and one rather proud Momma moment–we watched a Murder She Wrote episode–as a family. I know, I know. No one understands why I love this show so much. I have spent my lunch breaks for years watching the episodes over and over and over (I switch back and forth between it and Castle–I love them both). So, when lunch time rolled around and my boys asked to watch with me–well, a little tear slid down my cheek.
4. Movies and Shows to Watch. We finished up the Mission Impossible Movies, I found a show on Netflix I really am enjoying and we watched The Tomorrow War with our boys. Just click the link to read our reviews.
5. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!