1. The Super Bowl. The Super Bowl wasn’t exactly what I would call “Super” this year for me–with two teams playing that I don’t really have any strong feelings about one way or the other. But, it’s always good to have an excuse to get together with friends, eat some junk food and celebrate before we have to endure the long winter/spring/summer until we can watch professional football again. Our good friends, Steph and Rich, hosted a great party.
2. Valentine’s Day. My boys have outgrown the school parties and such–no more staying up til all hours designing the Valentine box and addressing cards for each classmate, but I love that we still celebrate big at home. Grayson did go to his first Middle School dance that was held the Friday night before. It was just as I remembered Middle School dances. The girls were all dressed up in beautiful dresses, the boys looked like they were wearing what they wore to school that day (my son literally was) and there were maybe 10 kids actually dancing on the dance floor. I caught a glimpse of my son as he and his pack of friends herded from one corner of the room to the other, sometimes stopping as a messenger would be sent out to a similar pack of girls doing the same thing. When I asked him how it went, he just gave me a dead eye stare and then went on to tell me all the drama of the night. Ah… youth.
As a family, we all gave each other nice cards, gifts and candy. And then Super Rockstar and I left the boys home with a pizza and a movie, while we went out–just us. There is one thing there is no shortage of in our home–and that is love. We don’t necessarily need a day to remind us, but I sure don’t mind an excuse to get some flowers and chocolate.
3. Olympics in our home. The Olympics has been fun to watch and has inspired a lot of activity in our home. There have been numerous games of H-O-R-S-E with our basketball goal, we got the boys a punching bag for Valentine’s Day (Trust me. This is the most loving gift we could possibly give them at this point in their lives), so there has been a lot of boxing going on, and then, there’s UNO (the card game). I know it’s not a sporting event, but with how often Grayson asks to play and how long some of the games go on–it feels like a marathon. So it counts. Barney’s even gotten caught up in all of the hype. At his physical therapy appointment, he got to do the aqua treadmill. It took a slab of peanut butter to coax him along, but let me tell you–if you snacking was a sport, he would be THE gold medal contender.
4. Gig night at Boot Barn Hall. Boot Barn Hall is 3 years old and SofaKillers got to play two sold out shows for their birthday celebration. I got to go Friday night and had an absolute blast. The guys put on a great show and the dance floor was packed. Happy Birthday Boot Barn Hall!
5. Movies and Shows to Watch. Just click the link to read our reviews of some movies and show we watched.
6. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!