1. Grayson Stuff. My younger son, Grayson, is a typical second born. We have several nicknames for him, but lately “Even Stephen” suits him the best. He wants to do everything his older brother does, in the exact same order and in the exact same way. That being said–we are starting to see his own uniqueness peeping its head out more frequently. He has shown some interest in learning to paint, and Super Rockstar has been guiding him along. Last week his school had an art show and he got to display one of his latest creations.
Also, his flag football season has started. He is fantastic at rushing the quarterback on defense and is good on offense at running the ball. I love how i9 Sports allow the coaches to highlight kids on the team for various character traits each week. Grayson earned the metal for good sportsmanship because he not only encourages his own team but also the opposing team as well.
2. Morgan stuff. Morgan is a lot like me–in that he always has big ideas, but has no idea how to implement them. I love that Super Rockstar does his best to engage with both our boys–and most recently with Morgan in helping him develop one of his ideas into reality. Morgan wanted to come up with a logo for an airsoft club he would like to create. One of the many gifts and talents Super Rockstar has is creating graphics–so he sat down with Morgan and helped him put it together.
3. Gig Night at Boot Barn Hall. SofaKillers got to play to a sold out show this past weekend. It was great to see so many familiar faces as well as a huge number of new fans. We all had a great time dancing and singing and movin’ to the groovin’. They sang all fan favorites, did an amazing acoustic set AND closed the show with a performance of Tom Sawyer, by Rush (check out the last video). It was GREAT!
4. Movies and Shows to Watch. We’ve watched a nice variety this past week. Just click the link to read our reviews.
5. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!