1.Finally, A Football Game for Grayson. He started practices back at the beginning of March and they were scheduled to play their first game on April 22. But, spring sports in Colorado are always a lot of hit and miss–with snow, thunderstorms and sometimes both at the same time. They finally had their first game on May 2nd and two more since then. He is playing on both offense and defense and having an absolute blast.
2. Another camper fixer upper. We bought a new-to-us pop up camper last summer, but only got to take it out once before it was time to put it away for the year. It’s in pretty good shape and thankfully only needs a bit of cosmetic work (we had one we fixed up before that had needed a lot of love–you can read about that here). The fabric on the cushions were old and smelly, so, I’ve been busy this past couple of weeks attempting to make new cushion covers. As with all my projects–it’s taking much, much longer than I anticipated and it involves sewing zippers. In the world of sewing, there are buttons and zippers and neither one is easy nor fun to do–at least not for me. I mutter and curse my way through it all–with my family staying as far away from me as possible. Coffee and chocolate help, but they have to get close to bring it to me–and that’s risky business. I’m hoping to be done soon and will share pictures.
3. 8th Grade trip to Elitch Gardens. Grayson is winding down his middle school experience and for some end-of-year fun, his teachers planned a day at Elitch’s. I got to go as a chaperone, but since there were so many adults on the trip–it was just Grayson and I all day. We had a blast. We rode every roller coaster, ate lots of junk food and came home completely exhausted. From now on, when anyone asks me how old I am, I’m going to say, “It hurts to ride roller coasters-years-old’ “. My whole body was aching the next day, but I’m so glad we went. The best part of my day was on the way home, my fourteen-year-old son looked at me and said, “I had so much fun with you today.”.
4. Movies and Shows to Watch–Episode 66. Just click the link to read our reviews of some things we watched.
5. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!