1.Gold Hill Mesa Gig. SofaKillers played a gig for Gold Hill Mesa–a neighborhood on the west side of Colorado Springs that hosts summer/early fall concert series. It was a beautiful Colorado evening, and they had a great turnout. What a fun event!
2. Boys Trip 2023. This was the 3rd annual Boys Trip that Super Rockstar has taken with our boys. My Dad joined them again this year and they had such a great time. They rented a cabin in Mueller State Park and had fun doing guy stuff, cooking, learning new things (this year they learned how to shave), and they talked about everything. I love that Super Rockstar does this for our boys–soon to be men. And I especially love that their Papa contributes his wisdom to their discussions. Soon enough they will be out on their own. I believe that these trips will be awesome memories they will all carry with them and also serve as tradition that will continue on.
3. Mom and Me. While the boys were doing their thing, my mom and I got to have some wonderful mother/daughter time. She told me when she arrived that she fully expected to go home exhausted. I hope I didn’t disappoint. We kayaked, we went to the zoo, we ate amazing food, and we toured several of the Colorado Springs Parade of Homes. It was great. And then we joined the guys for the last night in the cabin. I don’t know if she went home exhausted, but I sure did.
4. Hillside Garden Gig. This was SofaKillers last outdoor gig of the season. Hillside Gardens is such a cool place with so many great garden paths and mountain scenery. Since it was their last weekend for live music–it was packed. I think every square inch was filled with people standing, sitting, eating, drinking and dancing. I even got to have a little slow dance with my man.
5. Movies and Shows to Watch–Episode 77. Just click the link to read our reviews of what we watched.
6. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!