1.The smashing of the gingerbread. We did this last year and now the smashing of the gingerbread is a New Year tradition. Morgan used his Air Soft pistol, and it did some pretty good damage. Grayson tried a drop kick that did ok. But I found out that a nice golf club swing has the most destructive power.
2. The last hurrah of Christmas break. We decided to enjoy a day of fun at The Main Event (formerly Summit at Interquest) for one last hurrah before the boys started back to school. They had a great deal going on: $19.99 per person that included two games of bowling, 2 games of laser tag, and $15 video game card. We were not the only ones who decided to enjoy this–it was packed. But we had a great time. We discovered that we are not bowling champions (I think we were all competing for the lowest score possible), the claw games are rigged, but so addictive (I just know it will work this time), and we do alright in laser tag (well, maybe not me as a part of the collective we).
3. It’s Stupid Cold. I love living in Colorado. For the most part our weather is pretty reasonable–not too hot in the summer and not too cold in the winter. We do, however, have the occasional extremes. Right now, we are experiencing extreme cold. It has been in the negative temps at night for several days and barely inching above 10 degrees during the day. It is so cold it hurts. When I awoke today, it had warmed up to a toasty -5 after dipping down to -13 overnight. The good news is that our home is nice and toasty warm. It’s a good excuse to stay in, watch movies, and eat junk food. Hmmm. Maybe this isn’t so stupid after all.
4. Movies and Shows to Watch–Episode 84.
5. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!