1. Piloting Time Again for Morgan. This is Morgan’s 4th time in the Co-pilot seat for Civil Air Patrol. He has been gaining a lot of knowledge in his weekly meetings and they even invested in a flight simulator recently that he got to try out. He is always excited to get to put what he learns into practice in the sky. I on the hand–get anxious and feel nauseous until the little flight tracker app shows me that he has landed safely.
2. Something New for Grayson. Grayson decided to join the high school track team this year. Since the season began, he has had lots of practice time but hasn’t made it to a meet yet. Mostly because all but one has been canceled due to weather–and that one was only for varsity. Ah…springs sports in Colorado never disappoint. Oh well. He’s enjoying challenging himself with extra workouts on the weekends. He however does not enjoy Momma being his coach. Since when is running wind sprints considered “too hard”? Hey buddy, at least I wasn’t shouting at you to “run faster” whilst eating a box of Thin Mints–like my coach did.
3. Teaching Time for Super Rockstar. A friend who also teaches at UCCS asked Super Rockstar to speak for her Career and Development class on setting and achieving goals. He used his experience with starting the band SofaKillers that he sang lead for here in Colorado Springs for 14+ years. The goal of the band from the beginning was to become THE go-to band for venues here in the Springs. It took a lot of time, patience and persistence and they did it by pressing forward during the difficult and never giving up. It sounds like he enjoyed teaching the class every bit as much as the students that got to hear him.
4. A Wonderful Celebration for a Wonderful Man. We made a very quick trip to Kansas to celebrate my Uncle Don’s 90th birthday. He is such a wonderful man and it showed by how many came to celebrate him. All of my aunts and uncles, my parents, my sister and my brother-in-law, and a good number of my cousins were there. My family and I did not enjoy getting up at 4am on Daylight Savings time change to make the 7-hour drive, but that just goes to show you how much we love Uncle Don. Plus, it’s been so long since we’ve seen this much family at once and we loved every second!
5. Memory Lane. On our way home–we drove through my old hometown of Garden City, Kansas. We lived there between when I was 5 and 13. It’s been a long while since I’ve seen my neighborhood where I spent so much time riding bikes, playing in neighborhood friends’ houses, and walking to school. It was a great trip down memory lane. We even got to drive by my old church that I think we spent more time at than home. Everything looks a little run down, but I guess then do I. Haha!
6. Snowpocalypse 2024. It’s March in Colorado which means only one thing: snow and lots of it. We got an unusually large dumping this past week–somewhere between 12-24+ inches depending on the part of town you live in. And just so you know–you can’t truthfully say you got any unless you posted your patio/deck photos. We need proof people!
The boys had 2 snow days in a row (Yay!),but had to do e-learning (Boo!). Actually, I think they prefer the e-learning because most of the teachers give them ridiculously easy assignments (ex.–write a sentence telling me how much snow you got). That is except Ms. O’Hare–Morgan’s Algebra teacher . Twenty Algebra problems? Really? Don’t even try to talk to him about it–he’s still seething.
Don’t worry–we still made time to get out and enjoy it all. Barney was really glad someone had plowed a path when Super Rockstar and I took him for a walk in the woods–otherwise he would have been buried.
And our favorite sledding hill was in full swing–so many people. The boys and I had a blast.
7. Movies and Shows to Watch–Episode 90. Just click the link to read our review on some great movies.
8. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!