1.Some Fun at the Park. There are several parks around town that I have been taking the boys to since they were babies. One of them is called Cottonwood Creek Park. This park is great for so many reasons–great play equipment for all ages, picnic areas, and an awesome view of the mountains. It’s such a strange sensation to watch my now big boys conquer the play structures that just a few very short years ago–they couldn’t even reach. I remember my arms aching as I would lift them up to grab the bars that were SO high above their heads and now they can reach them with ease. I remember looking longingly at the Mom’s that were reading books while their children played–wondering how in the world they could ever feel comfortable taking their eyes away.
Now, I’m that Momma that sits there casually– not even flinching when I don’t see them for a couple of minutes. I wouldn’t mind going back in time –just for a second–to lift those chubby little legs a little higher, push the swing a little longer and remind myself to not wish for the future–where they no longer need me to do anything but watch and the body odor has become so pungent I can’t hardly stand it.
2. Bleach Blonde. I mentioned a while back that we watched all the Harry Potter movies as a family over the winter. My older son, Morgan, thought Draco Malfoy was the COOLEST and has been begging us to let him color his hair like his favorite character. Since it’s summer and we have several weeks for it to grow out–it seemed like a fun thing to let him do. I really wanted my friend Carrie to do the honors, but unfortunately she’s been out of commission due to a foot surgery, so I asked for recommendations on a local Facebook page and found this neat place not too far from our home called Neons Salon and Barbershop. Kendall did a GREAT job and I think he looks so cute (cool, I mean cool). He is thrilled beyond words.
3. A BEAUTIFUL Camping Trip. We purchased a used pop up camper a little over a year ago. I wrote all about fixing it up (you can read about that here and here) and we have enjoyed having it so much. For our first camping trip of this season we went to a magnificent place called Castle Lakes Campground outside of Lake City, Colorado. I’ve been camping my whole life and I can tell you I have never been in such a beautiful place in all my years. A friend of ours had posted pictures last summer and I knew immediately that I wanted to visit this place.
It’s a long drive (it took us 6 hours), but it was WELL worth it. The scenery is amazing–taking you through some of the most beautiful mountains in Colorado. Our camp site was about 20 feet from the lake and everywhere we turned there were GORGEOUS views–pictures just don’t do it justice.
Super Rockstar and the boys spent most of Saturday fishing and caught some beautiful trout. I cast a few lines myself, but they must have caught all of them because none were shopping for what I flung out there. To be honest–I’m ok with this arrangement. My favorite part of fishing is standing out there enjoying the views. This way I don’t have to touch their slimy smelliness. Ew!
4.Um….There’s a Bear. Our first evening, we were informed there was a bear that liked to frequent the camping area (that’s nice). Saturday morning, Super Rockstar awoke to what sounded like someone trying to break into his truck. That “someone” was a big bear and he was standing on the back of his truck on top of the cover.
I was still in bed and he’s looking out the window saying “um…there’s a bear on my truck! There’s a bear on my truck!!”. It took me a couple of seconds to realize he wasn’t joking. But, by the time I got to the window he had shooed him away. He left behind some nice dirty foot prints and a bit of slobber on the door. Another camper told us he had gotten into their truck and eaten all their M&M’s. This bear and I would have had a major throw down if he got ahold of MY peanut M&M’s. But, now I’m thinking–this might be a way to get free snacks. Just go around the campground collecting my favorites and leaving a few bear like footprints behind.
5. Celebrating Father’s Day. My favorite part of our camping trip was getting to celebrate Super Rockstar for Father’s Day. He is SUCH a good Daddy to our boys and they absolutely ADORE him. Getting to do “guy stuff” with him is a big thrill for my growing young men and it doesn’t get more “guy” than fishing, campfires, peeing in the woods and eating lots of junk food.
I have a great Daddy too. He was outnumbered by females in our home–poor guy. He allowed us to put barrettes in his hair (shh don’t tell anyone) and let us be little girls, but he also taught me a love of hiking and camping. My favorite memories are of him sitting at our campfire whittling. He would find some piece of wood and go to work carving it into something creative. I still have one of his creations–it kind of looks a little like Barney. Haha!
Have a great week!