1. A new camping adventure. Last year we tried out a new to us campsite called Jellystone resort (you can read about our fun adventure here). We were planning to visit again this year and made our reservation well in advance. However, we got a call from them a few weeks ago explaining that they had to shut down temporarily because construction on the interstate was hurting their business. This was SO disappointing to hear–the boys really were looking forward to going there again. But, they let us know that their parent company was in the process of building a luxury campsite just outside of Grandby, CO called River Run Resort. They offered to let us transfer our reservation to this new location for the same rate.
We looked it up and it looked REALLY nice, so we accepted the offer. We knew going in that they were still putting the “finishing touches” on the place (their words). What we found–is that “finishing touches” meant backhoes, pneumatic drills, bulldozers and lots and lots of construction workers on site.
Next year–this place will be amazing. It will be a true glamping experience complete with cabins to rent, restaurants and bars and all the bells and whistles that normal everyday out in the woods camping doesn’t offer.
It would have been nice to know about all the extra activity going on, but it didn’t stop us from enjoying our stay. The swimming pool was amazing, we loved having a campsite right next to a small lake full of fish– Super Rockstar even caught a couple, and we also got to enjoy bowling, video games and tooling around the place in a golf cart (no lost key this time).
The one criticism I have is that the campsites have NO trees at all. Well, that’s not completely accurate. They have planted one little twig per campsite. (Who knows? They might actual provide a square foot of shade next year?) So you are right there out in the open next to your neighbors–that’s not something I particularly enjoyed. I guess it just depends on what you are used to or expecting. We tend to like a little privacy hedge, some shrubbery–anything. When we’re camping we like to at least have the illusion that we’re in the great outdoors–instead of a parking lot.
2. Squeezing in the last few drops of summer break. When we got back from camping, we had 3 days of summer break left. It’s amazing what you can fit in 3 days. We go to enjoy our last summer $1 movie, went to a fun park that has a great water splash area, jumped on the trampoline, swam in our pool and made sure we squeezed every last drop of fun into those 3 days. Summer 2019–in the books. Whew!
3. Back to school shopping. I don’t think there are enough negative words in the dictionary to communicate how much I loathe back to school shopping. Every year I think “it will be different this time”. I always believe–I’ll plan ahead, get it done early, and not have to go through the mind numbing exhaustive lists with my boys in tow begging to get everything that is NOT on the list.
And nothing on the list EVER exists in the way the teacher has requested it. “Two boxes of 12 fine point markers” They only come in boxes of 10. Do I get 2 and have not enough? Or do I buy 3 and have way too many? It goes on and on…. And it’s not just the school supplies–it’s new shoes, clothing, underwear, and socks. By the time I get to the check out–I feel like I’ve just been mugged mentally, emotionally and physically. Maybe next year will be different.
4. The first day. It’s so interesting to observe the differences in how my two boys approach education. Grayson is starting 5th grade this year. He is SO full of optimism and looking forward to a new year. Morgan, is now in 7th grade. School has never been a fun place for him and last year was particularly hard. But I appreciate that he made an effort this year and didn’t start his day telling me how much he hates school (it’s the little things). Super Rockstar had asked them the night before what their one big goal was for this school year. Grayson piped right up and proclaimed he wanted to get straight A’s. Morgan mumbled how he hoped he wouldn’t have to go to the principal’s office. Four days in: one is on track to meet his goal, the other….well, there’s always next year, son.
5. The Hogan Gig. It’s been a while since SofaKillers have played at The Hogan. It is one of my favorite places that they play–mostly because of the people that come. They are there to have fun and nearly everyone is out on the dance floor.
Hope you all have a great week!