1. Sonic the Hedgehog Movie. I loved it! It’s Jim Carrey doing what he does best, it’s a good story and fun adventure with lots of great humor, and we all enjoyed it.
2. Teacher Conferences. Twice a year I get to go to the boys school to meet with their teachers. I used to dread these meetings because it seems like it’s never good news, but over the years I’ve found that they do try to put a positive spin on things–using phrases like “he’s so energetic” and “he’s good at expressing himself “. Oh sure, it’s teacher code for ” your child can’t sit still and talks too much”, but I like how they make it sound.
3. A long, long, LONG weekend. The boys had two days off school for teacher conferences, then there was the weekend, then there was no school on Monday because it was President’s Day and THEN it snowed….again so the schools closed on Tuesday. I love having my family home, but at some point I get a little jittery and wonder if they will EVER go back to school again. It’s hard to believe that just a few short years ago I was crying because they were both in school full time. Now, every time I see a few snow flakes falling on a week day I’m begging the good Lord above “PLEASE let there still be school today!” We did manage to go get some jumping time in at their favorite trampoline place before the storm hit.
4. A day to myself. It might as well have been a vacation. After 6 whole days of having everyone home, it was so nice to have some peace and quiet. It was my errand day and my first stop was to the nearest coffee place. The overly friendly cashier asked if I had any exciting plans for the day and with a huge smile on my face I blurted out “I get to be ALONE today!” His rather timid response of “o.k., good for you….” reminds me that not everyone enjoys coffee and a day of solitude the way I do.
5. The Good Liar. This was another one we missed out on in the theaters. It’s really, really good. I loved the acting and intrigue and it’s a very well done movie. I now feel like I’ve learned how to be a good liar and get away with it.
Hope you have a good week!