1. Check ups. This week was a lot about health maintenance in our home. I had to get my teeth cleaned and the boys had eye appointments. I would like someone to come up with a one stop shop for all annual health related necessities. It would be so nice that just once a year we all get –physicals, teeth cleaned, eyes checked–and DONE. No more setting multiple appointments at multiple locations. Maybe we could even be in cool comfy chairs and just sent down the line on a conveyer belt or something–like on The Jetson’s.
2. A whole WEEK of school. I didn’t know our district still did full weeks of school, but since there were no snow days, random holidays, or teacher work days–they had to tough it out for FIVE entire days. By the way my boys acted–you’d think that child labor was back in play.
3. Better Call Saul. This is by far one of my FAVORITE shows we watch. It’s just started back up in its 5th season. If you’re not familiar–it’s a spin off show from Breaking Bad. We are hooked!
4. Car Maintenance. “Oh Mrs. Glenn, you and I are feeling better today than your car is.” These are the words that were spoken to me many years ago by a super cheesy car repair salesperson. Ever since then, every time I need to go in for just a routine oil change, I brace myself for the high dollar, had NO idea there was anything wrong with my car– estimate. We always go to our local Brakes Plus for car maintenance. I like them because they treat me with a little more intelligence than Mr. Cheese Whiz all those years ago and I’ve found that their prices are very fair. I would just once like to be able to go in for a $26 oil change and leave with only needing a $26 oil change. I guess driving a thirteen year old jeep makes that a statistical impossibility.
5. Frozen 2. Let it go, let it GO…. I think that was the most disappointing part of Frozen 2–there was no BIG song. Maybe that’s a good thing, since I don’t want to EVER hear the one from the first one again. I liked the movie ok–but, just ok. My boys got to see it when it was in theaters (Grandma and Papa took them). I felt like they tried too hard to re-create the moments that made the first one special–kind of typical for 2nd movies. There were some really good moments though–Olaf is as wonderful as ever– and overall it was an enjoyable movie. I’m guessing that little girls just LOVED it–my boys would rather die than have to endure any more princess-y romantic mushy stuff.