1. Easter. As the quarantine goes on and on…..and on–it’s hard to do life as “normal” because it’s so very not normal right now. However, Easter was very much the same as every other year for us. We decorated eggs (Super Rockstar LOVES doing this–almost as much as he does decorating Christmas cookies), Super Rockstar and I stayed up late hiding them in the back yard, the boys woke up early and hunted for the eggs in their heavy coats in with freezing cold winds blowing (yes. this is very normal for Colorado), we “went” to church, and we gorged on a huge ham feast. The ONLY change for us this year was that “going” to church was a trip to our family room(I’m hoping Pastor Josh doesn’t know that some of us were “dressed down” more than usual), but the actual watching on a screen is not so abnormal since our campus live streams most weekends anyway. Also, Barney got to “go” to church with us–he’s a bit like that grumpy old man that sits in the back and snores all through the service.
2. Some light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t know about you, but I was REALLY excited to hear our president and the coronavirus task force members present their plan for re-opening our nation. I know. I know. There’s still a lot of waiting to be done, but for me–just the hearing that there is a projected endpoint to all of this gave me a MUCH needed burst of hope. PLUS (and this is huge), Walmart had fully stocked shelves this week INCLUDING toilet paper and paper towels (gasp!). Still no sign of Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer, but I’m hopeful that it’s coming soon.
3. Book Series. I re-started a book series I began 2 years ago. The first book is called Eragon and then there are 3 others (Eldest, Brizingr, and Inheritance). It’s all about a young boy and a dragon egg he finds. The fantasy world comes to life as he discovers he has powers after the egg hatches and he “connects” with the dragon. There are–of course–forces of darkness he has to battle against and each book is a continuation of the adventure he finds himself in. The books are HUGE, but spin a very intriguing tale. I started and stopped the 3rd book two different times–mostly because I had trouble getting back into the story. This time I’ve made it about 1/3 of the way and am really re-enjoying it. The most impressive part to me is that the author (Chris Paolini) was only 19 when Eragon was published. It’s very impressively written and a great adventure/fantasy tale. I highly recommend them.
I hope you have a great week!