1.More trail exploring. The trails around our home town have gotten VERY full lately, but that doesn’t stop us from getting our weekly dose of some outdoor exploring. This week we went to one of my favorite’s in Black Forest (I think it’s just called Black Forest Trail–might want to jot that down)(If you’re local– it’s at the corner of Milam and Shoup). This was one of the hardest hit areas from the tragic Black Forest fire back in 2013 that wiped out over 14000 acres and hundreds of homes. It still is beautiful forest land, but the trail winds it’s way into some of the burn area. Even though the forest service has cleared out most of the burned trees– some of the devastation is still very visible. They have done a great job of re-creating the trails and they are perfect for hiking, biking, and horseback riding. They also have a couple of picnic areas, a huge sports field, tennis courts, and a play ground(some day we’ll get to play on it again. sigh). And yes, there are several geocaches too.
2. Creativity at it’s best. Staying at home 24/7 has been challenging, but there has also been a lot of good that has come from it. My boys are pretty creative all the time, but as the weeks of not having many choices of things to do drag on and on–they have had to kick it up a notch. This past week they came up with “trampoline baseball”. From what I could tell–one stands on the trampoline (bouncing up and down is optional) while the other pitches the ball. THEN, if they hit the ball they have to leap out, run the “bases” and make it back to the trampoline without getting tagged. Super Rockstar tried it out with them, but I declined. I may be a fuddy duddy, but if anyone is going to get injured from a game like this–it would be me. I still have post traumatic stress from the last time I tried to be “cool fun Momma”(the slip n slide fiasco of 2018–you can read about that here).
3. Artists in the making. Another creative day came when the boys observed Super Rockstar doing one of his favorite pastimes–painting. They asked for their own canvases and borrowed some paints and came up with some pretty good works of art. Again, I was asked to participate–but no. I have huge APA (Artistic Painting Anxiety).
4. Two–new to us–movies. Lately, I feel like Super Rockstar and I are having to scrape the bottom of the barrel when it comes to selecting movies we agree on. We have many streaming services, but it seems like movie producers have gone for a lot of quantity, but not much quality. When we find one that looks good (or that we missed in the movie theaters)– it’s like finding a pot of gold.
Bad Boys For Life–I was pretty excited to see this one –as I really enjoyed the first two. There were some really great chase scenes and some good laughs. I wish we would have watched the first 2 before watching this one because I think it would have helped me to enjoy it more. I found myself trying to keep up with characters and story lines that they referenced and I felt lost some of the time. It was good and I definitely recommend it.
Charlie’s Angels. This is the newest one from 2019. Now, let me preface this by saying that– I’m picky when it comes to The Angels. I grew up watching the original TV show with Farrah Faucet, Jaclyn Smith, and Kate Jackson (and later Cheryl Ladd–who was my favorite) (I looked just like her)(just trust me on this). I thought the 2000/2003 movies were really good too. But this version was not my favorite. I was disappointed in their casting choices, the story was pretty lousy, and I was not thrilled with what they did to the Bosley character. Also–and this is just my take–I thought they went too far with the whole “girl power” thing. I love being a girl and I like the idea of “girl power”, but I don’t like it when movies and TV shows resort to making women appear stronger or more bad@#$ by emasculating and belittling men. That’s not girl power–that’s just taking cheap shots.
5. A Fun Game. Aunt Christi (Super Rockstar’s sister) gave us a new Jumanji game for Christmas and now that we have some extra time on our hands– we have really enjoyed playing it. It’s kind of like a mystery solving/escape room type game where you have to find clues and there’s only a certain amount of time to do it in. I’ve been amazed at how much fun we’ve had considering we’re all a bunch of control freaks and certain members our family (not saying who)(they are the same gender and look a lot alike) have a slightly overinflated opinion of their level of intelligence.
6.My favorite meme’s of the week. I LOVE funny meme’s and several of my social media friends are masters at finding great ones. Here are a few that had me giggling out loud this week.
I hope you have a great week!