1.Hard workin boys. Last year we took down the pirate ship Super Rockstar had built for our boys (you can read that here)–this left a nice space for something new. Super Rockstar has been wanting to put a shed back there for a long while now, so since the sand needed to be moved aside–we decided to let the boys earn some money and get it all done for us. It was funny how gung ho they were at first thinking they could get it done that day, but then quickly realized that it’s a lot of hard work. Each day they would do about 15-20 minutes and then come inside acting like they’d been at if for hours. I have never seen so much drama. But, they finally finished and are pretty pleased with themselves. I think they did a good job too.
2. It worked! We tried a science-y experiment–the one where you make rockets using water bottles, vinegar and baking soda. None of them worked the first time, but I realized that the vinegar we were using was pretty old. So, I purchased some new vinegar and it worked like a charm. The explosion was always a surprise and it was a bit like playing with a jack in the box–only this time the jack in the box sprays vinegar all over you.
3. The end of the Marvel Movies. We finally finished our quest to watch all the Marvel movies in timeline order. The last three were Ant-Man and The Wasp, Avengers: Endgame, and Spider-Man: Far From Home. I have absolutely LOVED doing this with my family and enjoyed all of the movies.
Ant-Man and The Wasp was really great–my favorite is Luis (played by Michael Pena) and the way he re-tells events that have happened.
Avengers: Endgame is a little depressing in some places–I won’t give spoilers if you haven’t seen these, but there’s a heaviness throughout much of the movie. They mix it with great action, uplifting moments and humor too and it also has a nice sense of completion to the Avengers story.
Spider-Man: Far From Home is really good–with lots of great action and unexpected moments. Tom Holland does such a GREAT job playing Spider-Man.
4. More Hopeful signs. Each week I go to the grocery store, I look for evidence that things are getting back to normal. At first it was the canned goods and cereal aisle being full.
Next was a surplus of meats (not just the suspicious looking pork parts), then came the toilet paper aisle being filled with the real stuff–as in Charmin and Northern–not just the cheap sandpapery kind (cue angels singing).
Last week I found yeast. I haven’t seen yeast packets in any of the stores for over 2 months–this was a HUGE sign of hope to me.
AND THEN Super Rockstar was able to purchase hand sanitizer just a few days ago.
I think this is how Noah must have felt when he sent out the dove to see if there was any dry land. When Clorox wipes come back–that’s my sign that it’s time to open up the ark and go back to business as usual.
5. Chalk Art. I told you a couple of weeks ago how I’m doing a “Momma time” with my boys each week day (you can read about that here). This week for my turn I chose chalk art drawing. I thought they would think it was lame, but they were so into it and put a lot of detail into their creations. It was a lot of fun. Can you tell which one came from the only girl participating?
6. My favorite memes of the week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!
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