1. Camping! We FINALLY got to take our first camping trip of the season. We went to our favorite spot just outside of Lake City, CO. It’s quite a drive from Colorado Springs (about 4 1/2 hours), but it is SO worth it–some of the most beautiful Colorado scenery around. I caught my first ever fish while fly fishing (I keep telling everyone I caught my first fly fish)thanks to master coaching by Super Rockstar. I’ve been fly fishing for years, but never knew that the fuzzy little things you tie on the end of your line (they look like something a cat would enjoy playing with) could actually fool a fish into thinking it was a tasty bite. I became such a master–I caught a second one. Think I’ll start teaching lessons next week.
We had such a great time. All of us caught a fish (I caught two. It’s not a competition), we enjoyed campfires, s’mores, beautiful scenery and the local wildlife. On a particularly rainy day we drove over a couple of gorgeous mountain passes to the town of Creede: home of the giant fork and very expensive lunches.
Barney enjoyed himself too: napping in the camper, napping under the table, and napping while we fished. Super Rockstar was able to capture some great photos of our super model Barney. He’s been working on his “cold steel” look for a while. Nailed it.
2. A new Movie we enjoyed. If you have the Disney Channel–they just released a new movie called Artemis Fowl. It’s based on a book series that looks pretty good too. We enjoyed the movie–it’s PG and is VERY family friendly. Like many movies that are geared for kids–the kid acting can sometimes seem a bit amateur but, it has Colin Farrell, Josh Gad, Judi Dench and many other notable actors. I definitely recommend it for a family movie night.
3. A movie we didn’t enjoy. I so often share with you movies we liked, but I often forget to warn you about some I think are duds. Super Rockstar and I decided to try Uncut Gems. It has Adam Sandler and from the description seemed pretty promising. We watched about 45 minutes and turned it off. There’s a lot of yelling and confusion, more yelling and him getting beat up, and then a lot more yelling. I like to be entertained by movies I watch. I don’t enjoy feeling stressed out for 2 hours–I have enough of that in my life. It’s one of those artsy fartsy films that critics love and that leave the rest of us wondering what there is to love.
4. A TV show we love. Super Rockstar and I are binge watching a show on Netflix called Longmire. It’s about a small town Wyoming sheriff and all the goings on in his county (Absaroka) and the neighboring Cheyenne Indian reservation. There are 6 seasons to enjoy–we are already in the 3rd one. There’s an alarming amount of murders for such a small community (1 per episode), but if Jessica Fletcher can get by with it in Murder She Wrote, why not Sheriff Longmire? It’s really good and I highly recommend it.
5. The Pool. It’s WAY late in our summer break for me to just now be setting up our pool, but it took a while for the weather to finally get hot enough (we had snow last week). Here in Colorado, we have to heat our outdoor pools–it has to do with the dry air (it makes it seem freezing cold when you’re out of the water) and not having super high temps (we mostly get in the upper 80’s). I rig a hose inside our house to get as much hot water as I can and mix it with our outdoor freezing cold water. I usually try for a 70% hot/30% cold mix, but I accidently left our outside hose on too long–it’s more of a 90% cold/10% hot. In other words, we froze our butts off for our first dip. We still had fun but, we might need to have some thermal blankets handy.
6. My favorite Memes of the week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!
*Note: If you comment on my blog page, it might take a couple of hours (days, months–haha!) to show up since I am required to approve them.
Where do you camp by Lake City?! I’m trying to find a good campsite.
Sorry it took me so long to reply.🤪 We LOVE Castle Lake Campground. It’s beautiful and only about 8 miles outside Lake City