1. Gig night. It seems that these nights out for live music have become rare. Boot Barn Hall is one of the few venues in town still booking bands and we are SO grateful. SofaKillers put on their first full gig since the rona hit. It was made even better because Super Rockstar’s sister and her husband were in town and got to come too. Even though we had to wear masks and dance at our table (well…we may have broken that rule a time or two), we still had a great time.
2. Family Visit. Super Rockstar’s sister, Gigi, her husband Eric and their granddaughter Montana came out to visit us for a couple of days. It was SO good to see them and we were so glad to have them in our home. We just spent time hanging out, visiting and then, of course, we had to take them to see at least one of our tourist sites in town–we chose Garden of the gods. It’s such a cool place and made even better by hiking through with folks who have never seen it before.
3. Back to School. The boys started school this past Monday. Originally our school was offering the choice of either in person (which we chose) or streaming school. At the last second (like just a few days before) our board decided to only allow a handful of the younger grades to have the choice of doing in person learning. It meant that our teachers, staff and us parents had to pull off a bit of a magic trick miracle. There were a lot of glitches the first day, but by Friday things were running much more smoothly. I think saying “we survived” is about as good as it was going to get. Hopefully, this is just a short term requirement. I can’t tell you how much my boys long to be back at their school–that in and of it self is a miracle.
4. MOVIE THEATER!!! There are now 3 movie theaters in our town showing popular classic movies. We got to go see Jurassic Park and it was AMAZING! The boys had never seen it before in a theater and truly appreciated how much bigger and better seeing movies on the big screen is. I can’t tell you how awesome it was to buy movie popcorn, watch a movie in an actual movie theater and get to experience something we have truly been missing.
5. My Favorite Memes of the Week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!
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