1. Bomb Cyclone. No matter where you live in the USA, you probably have heard about the “Bomb Cyclone” that hammered down on several states this past week. Here in Colorado, we got hit hard–an entire day of winds gusting up to 97 mph, several inches of snow, hundreds of folks stranded, and thousands without power. We were fortunate to all be home–the school districts canceled school the day before and Super Rockstar’s workplace closed just as he was getting ready to go. So, we got to huddle in our safe, warm home, listening to the winds howl and rattle our windows. Even though our lights dimmed every now and then, we didn’t lose power for which I am SO thankful (I have no idea if we even still own any flashlights) (Also, I wasn’t relishing the idea of eating cereal and canned vegetables). Poor Barney suffered the worst–he needed to go outside to use the bathroom, but the wind and snow drifts made for a very scary and tricky undertaking.
2. After the Storm. The day after the storm we emerged to find 3-5 foot drifts all over the place. In our neighborhood, all of us facing South had these delightful piles of snow trapping our cars inside our garages, but the North facing folks barely even had to shovel. Oh well, it made for a great sledding hill in our front yard. This is always my favorite part of a snow storm–all the fun you can have after.
3. Finishing the Harry Potter Movies. I mentioned a few weeks ago that we finally decided to let the boys watch the Harry Potter movies. We finished the last couple during our 2 days of being stuck at home. I thoroughly enjoyed them all and none of it was too scary for the boys. Well, except in “The Goblet of Fire”. We had read about the “death eaters” (still not sure why they’re called that) and did a prep with the boys about the scary masks that these characters wear. Did that scare them? No. But, what horrified them was the part of the movie where the boys are asking girls to a dance being given. I have never heard so many screams of anguish and retching with disgust.
4. Much needed haircuts. One thing I am learning about raising boys is that they have a complete lack of interest in their appearance and cleanliness. Super Rockstar assures me this will improve once they have discovered interest in girls, but in the mean time–it’s an uphill battle of making sure the basics of good hygiene are covered. I’m not sure who the inventor of Sports Clips is, but they are pure genius. There are sports showing on big screen TV’s to watch while you wait and they even have an online check in, so you usually don’t have to sit and wait very long. But, the best part–is the MVP. It includes a haircut, shampoo, a hot towel placed on your face AND a shoulder and neck massage. In other words–you pay $10 bucks extra for the illusion of getting something really special. But, I’ll tell you–it’s worth it. To see my boys actually CARE about personal hygiene for 10 minutes every couple of months is priceless.
5. Our Gate (or Dig). Last night Super Rockstar and I got to go out on an impromptu date. We were invited to a friend of a friends house party. The guy throwing the party invites fellow musicians to come jam all night. So, yes, it was a date night, but it also became a gig for Super Rockstar (he sang 3 songs)–thus it became a “Gate” or “Dig” night for us. It was a lot of fun–good live music, great food, and really nice people.