1. Winter Wonderland. We got a nice bit of snow this past week and I couldn’t help myself–I had to be out in it. Being in the woods when it’s snowing is my ultimate happy place. I couldn’t stop smiling. But, I had to because my teeth kept getting frozen. So I tried to smile without opening my mouth–which is kind of hard and it doesn’t really look like a smile. It looks more like a grimace. But I assure you–I was feeling VERY happy.
2. A long awaited hike with a friend. My friend Lara and I have been trying to get together for a hike for several months. But, every time we would try to schedule it, something came up–school’s switching back to online at home, illnesses, and then the holidays. Finally, we put it on the calendar and held our breaths. Yay! We finally got to enjoy a beautiful hike and lots of chit chat–catching up on each others lives. My favorite thing about getting together with my friends is the nonstop talking and laughing. It’s fantastic!
3. Date Night. We have been wanting to try out a new movie theater that opened up just before Covid hit last year. It’s called Roadhouse Cinemas and we had a great time. It’s a dine in cinema where you can order food at your theater seat and they bring it to you as you watch the movie (they’re very quiet and discreet). Eating in the dark was a bit of a learning curve, but their food was delicious. You can go to their sit down restaurant before or after the movie if you prefer a lighted eating experience and they also have a big, really fun looking arcade area. We loved it and can’t wait to go back soon.
4. What I read this month. I enjoyed reading several good books this month. For my inspirational/self help I read Giving is the Good Life by Randy Alcorn. It’s full of sound, Biblical truths about how God designed us to experience ultimate joy in giving and it also has many stories of faith and triumph. I highly recommend it.
For my learning book, I read Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. It is so good-she is really funny and does a great job presenting all the nuts and bolts of what being a writer is really like, fun anecdotes of her own experiences and so much good information taken from a class she teaches on writing.
And for fiction I read 3 books. The first was Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Oh. My. Goodness. This is SUCH a good book. A great story that pulls you in right away. I couldn’t put it down.
I also read The Hunger Games and Catching Fire By Suzanne Collins. I had seen the movies several years ago, but never read the books. They are REALLY good. I got hooked into the story quickly and can’t wait to finish the third in the series.
5. What we watched this week. Super Rockstar and I found several movies to enjoy this week:
The first one was The Peacemaker. It’s a movie from 1997 with George Clooney and Nichol Kidman. Clooney is an Army colonel and Kidman is a civilian expert on foreign terrorists. They have to track down and stop a man who has stolen multiple nuclear warheads that he’s planning to use. It’s very good.
Next, we watched Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World. This is also an older one–2003. It has Russel Crowe playing a British sea captain who is tracking down a French war vessel during the Napoleonic Wars. It’s a great story with a lot of drama and some good action. I love the old time ships and the cinematography was excellent. We really enjoyed it.
Our third choice, was one called Supervized. It’s a really silly movie about retired super heroes that live in a retirement home. It has Tom Berringer, Beau Bridges and Louis Gosset Jr. I laughed out loud several times, but overall it’s pretty cheesy with some terrible acting (this makes you want to go watch it right now, huh?). It’s good if you’re wanting something lighthearted, mindless and kind of goofy.
For our date night movie at Roadhouse Cinemas we watched News of the World. It has Tom hanks as a Civil War veteran who now goes around town to town reading newspaper stories to the local townsfolk. He comes across a little girl who had been abducted by the Kiowa Indian tribe years ago and the only surviving family she has that will take her in are 400 miles away. He agrees to deliver her to them, but there are dangers all along the way. I loved the story and thought it was a very good movie.
By myself, I watched Catching Fire–the second in The Hunger Games trilogy. I thought they did a great job of keeping true to the book and really enjoyed watching it.
The boys and I watched Captain America–The First Avenger…again. We had just watched this a few months ago, but Grayson is on an Avenger’s obsession right now and it was his turn to choose a movie. It is really good and I enjoyed seeing it again.
6. My favorite memes of the week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!