1. Spring Break. We drove up to Salida this past week for a spring break adventure. Our first evening, we enjoyed their indoor pool and hot tub. The next day we had a great time exploring downtown Salida and driving over to nearby Buena Vista. There are so many good restaurants and cool shops (we love antique stores)–we found THE most comfy robes ever. Our last day, we had a blast going to Monarch for a morning of tubing. The best part is that you get to ride the tube up the hill–that is luxury at it’s best. It was a great family fun getaway–just what we needed.
2. Grandma and Papa in the house! I don’t think much thrills my boys (and us) more than when my parents come to visit. They came for the boys birthday party and spoiled them (and us) rotten their entire visit. They gave the boys gaming chairs for their birthdays this year–it might as well be thrones as the boys both feel they are professional gamers now.
3. The Birthday Party. My boys are 2 years and 9 days apart in age. Having birthday celebrations so close together has always been a bit challenging, but this year they were thrilled to a do a shared party at Dart Wars. It was awesome! Several friends from school and our neighborhood came and all had a great time. I highly recommend Dart Wars as a venue for a party–they got a very lengthy time for battling and the hosts for the party room did a wonderful job of helping to keep things moving afterward (pizza, cake and presents). You can bring your own cake, bottled drinks (no soda) and balloons to decorate. And then, you can order pizza through them from Marco’s Pizza. Super Rockstar always decorates the birthday cakes–and yes, we did one for each of them. Morgan chose Big Foot and Grayson’s was a Transformers Decepticon symbol. It was so much fun and all the kids were thoroughly worn out by the end.
4. What we watched. For family movies we watched a couple of good ones. The first one was one called Monster House. The boys had been asking to watch it for a while. It’s an animated movie about a house in a neighborhood that is alive and eats children’s toys and swallows up anyone that gets too close. It was pretty good, but I would not let little ones watch it. The monster house itself is a little scary and some of the story line has some older kid themes to it.
We also watched Dr. Doolittle 2. This is the one with Eddie Murphy playing Dr. Doolittle. We all enjoyed it and it’s perfectly family friendly –the animal characters are a riot.
Super Rockstar and I are continuing our Star Trek movie marathon and watched the next four in the series. The first one was Star Trek:The Wrath of Khan. It was a definite improvement over the first one. But, Ricardo Montalban (Fantasy Island) plays Khan. Yeah. It’s about what you’d expect.
We also watched Star Trek: The Search for Spock. This is the best one so for. It is directed by Leonard Nimoy (Spock) –the pacing is much better and the story was really good. We even let the boys watch this one with us. They, of course, thought it was horrible. But, I assured them that this one was academy award caliber compared to the first two. We truly are enjoying watching them. I guess it’s just a matter of not having expectations set too high.
With my parents visiting, we continued with the next in the series: Star Trek: The Voyage Home. This one involves time travel to earth during the 1980’s. I thought it was great. All of them have some foul language–including several taking the Lord’s name in vain. I don’t care for that–especially since my boys were watching too. But, the action and content are just fine for teen/tween age.
And lastly we watched Star Trek: The Final Frontier. This one has a kind of a cheesy plot line–a half brother of Spock highjacks their ship and is on a search for what he believes is the location of God. It was ok overall–just some of the plot and characters were kind of hokey.
5. My favorite memes of the week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!