1.Birthday Boy #2. My second born, Grayson, is one of the most excitable people I know. He belly laughs out loud, he squeals with excitement, and when he’s upset–everyone knows about it. He lives life out loud. Since his birthday comes second, he goes through the same angst every year. He feels jealousy and is in agony because he has to wait 9 WHOLE days after his brother’s birthday before we celebrate his. “It’s not fair!” But, then his special day comes–and he is all smiles and excitement again. I hope no one ever steals his zest and fearlessness in expressing his emotions–It’s one of my favorite things about him. Happy 12th Birthday Grayson!
2. Girls night out. One of my friends came up with the brilliant plan to host regular “Ladies of a Certain Age” girls nights out. I got to attend my first one this past week and had a great time. Ladies of all different ages and experiences–most only having our friendship with Patti (and a love of a good adult drink every now and then) in common. I love having some girl time–we chatted it up and all look forward to the next one. Thank you for organizing this, Patti!
3. He is Risen! Easter is such a special time for me. Celebrating Jesus being raised from the dead and saving us from our sins–at the same time that spring is bursting forth is just so perfect. I look around and all I see is new life coming–trees with leaves budding, flowers beginning to push up, and the grass turning from dead brown to full of life green. That’s just what Jesus has done for me. He has taken what is dead in me and given me new life. I am thankful for that every single day. At our house, we also love to celebrate the day by coloring and hunting eggs, getting Easter baskets full of chocolate (oh, Thank You Lord for Reese’s eggs!), jelly beans and gifts, and “going” to church (this year was in jammies watching online again). Happy Easter!
4. What we watched. Super Rockstar and I are nearing the end of our Star Trek quest. This week we watched Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country. This is the last one with the full original cast and it was really good. Kirk and McCoy are charged with assassinating the Klingon High Chancellor and imprisoned. It is one of the better ones we have seen and I loved the ending. As they have saved the day and all gathered on the deck, they receive orders to return to Starfleet for the Enterprise to be decommissioned–Captain Kirk quotes Peter Pan “Head to the second star to the right and straight on til morning.”
We also watched Star Trek: Generations. This is the first one with the new crew–although Kirk and a couple other of the original crew have a small role. Captain Picard is tasked with stopping a deranged scientist that is set on destruction so that he can re-enter a space matrix. It’s kind of a complex story, but because it’s Star Trek, you just kind of go with it.
And finally, we watched Star Trek: First Contact. This was my least favorite of this part of the saga so far. There are Borgs in it. Borgs are humanoid zombie like beings. They are yucky to look at and very creepy. It’s a decent story–apparently Picard had been captured by them long ago and somehow escaped, but now they have taken over the Enterprise. Data plays a big role in saving the day from the head Borg. This one was by far the “trekiest” of the ones I’ve seen so far–if that makes sense.
We also went to see the new Godzilla Vs. Kong movie at the theater. Wow! It is big and loud and LOTS of great action. I highly recommend seeing it in the theater. We found it to be suitable for the boys, so we took them to see it too. We found out that there are some references and even characters from Kong Skull Island and Godzilla: King of the Monsters so we watched those as a family too. The cautions I would give with all of these movies is that there is quite a lot of curse words (I suppose if I was around big scary monsters–I would be cursing a lot too), the action is very intense (and sometimes relentless) and in the Kong Skull Island movie there are some pretty scary Skull Crawler creatures. I do not recommend any of these for young kids, but most tween/teenagers should be ok.
5. My favorite memes of the week.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!