1. BAYLOR!!! Did you hear? The Baylor men’s basketball team won the National Championship for the first time ever. I’ll be honest, I don’t follow basketball–college or pro–very closely, but there’s always something about March Madness that draws my attention. When I heard that my alma matter had made it to the sweet 16–I started following very closely. Congratulations Baylor! Sic ‘Em Bears!
2. Math Problems. My boys have both reached levels in math that I can no longer be of any help to them at all. I swear my heart rate increases and I break out in hives when I even hear “slope intercept” or “formula for circumference of a circle”. When they ask for my help, I ball up into the fetal position, squinch my eyes shut and plug my ears. Thankfully, Super Rockstar does not have MHA (Math Homework Anxiety) like I do and is a much better tutor. If he can’t help them right away, he will search until he can figure it out. There are so many reasons I love my man, this has just moved him to a whole new level of being Super.
3. Drones droning. We gave the boys new drones for Easter. These Syma X5SW Quadcopter Drones have cameras that you connect via blue tooth to a phone so you can see what the drone sees and even record it. They are $46.18 on Amazon and are a great bargain–they fly really well, the battery lasts for several flights, and having the camera is a lot of fun.
4. Enjoying a beautiful day. Here in Colorado, we take our weather seriously. Spring is often our snowiest time of year and so when we get a gift of a beautiful, sunny, 60 degree day–we all head out and enjoy. We love a park out in Black Forest–it has hiking trails, a playground, tennis and basketball courts and a giant field that is perfect for flying drones and playing a game of football with whoever wanted to join. Just perfect!
5. What we watched. Super Rockstar and I almost finished our Star Trek binge. We watched Star Trek: Insurrection. In this one the crew learns of a federation conspiracy against the inhabitants of a unique planet. The inhabitants have not aged since living there and there is a bad guy group that is conspiring to move them out–using hologram ships–to a new planet without them knowing. The bad guys all have really loose skin that constantly needs to be stretched (I can so relate) so it’s apparent why they would want this planet for themselves. It’s really good and we enjoyed it.
We also watched Star Trek: Nemesis. In this one Captain Picard discovers that the new leader of the Romulans is a clone of his younger self–named Shinzon. He is trying to ensnare Picard because he needs a blood transfusion from him to survive and he also plans to destroy Earth. It seems that Earth and the Enterprise are always the objects of destruction in these movies. There is also a early copy of Data found on the planet(we learn that this was part of their plot to draw Picard in)–so lots of twinsies going on in this movie. This is by far, the best produced Star Trek from this line of the stories–with great CGI. I really enjoyed it.
As a family, we enjoyed watching Romancing the Stone. I hadn’t seen it in years and thought the boys would enjoy the adventure. They did. In fact they are already quoting my favorite line regularly–“Look at those snappers.” I forgot about a couple of scenes that I wish we would have skipped. At the very beginning there is a scene where a woman is wearing a VERY see through dress and you see her upper body clearly. Then, there is a scene where the two main characters are in bed–nothing is shown, but you see they are naked. Also, there is also A LOT of foul language–mostly taking the Lord’s name in vain. I don’t think I would have allowed this one, had I remembered that. And finally, there’s a scene where the bad guy gets his hand bitten off by an alligator–it’s pretty graphic. Otherwise, it’s a very fun movie.
Super Rockstar had a private gig this weekend, so the boys and I watched a movie–just us. Morgan suggested a war movie called Rescue Dawn. It’s about a pilot that is captured by the Vietcong and is held prisoner. He eventually escapes and is rescued, but he and his fellow prison mates have to endure dismal conditions, near starvation and even some torture. The main character is played by Christian Bale and Steve Zahn is also in it. It’s a good story, but kind of slow moving. Morgan has been studying the Vietnam War in school, so it was good to see a movie depicting this war. There’s some curse words throughout, but otherwise I think it’s appropriate for tween/teenage.
6. My favorite memes.
As always, I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a great week!