1.Shazam! Fury of the gods. We have a rating system of sorts in our home–which movies that we will see in the theater (and pay full price), which ones we will watch at home–paying the early access more expensive rental rate, and which ones we can wait until they are cheap or free to rent. This movie fell into the “early access, more expensive rental” category. I really enjoyed the first Shazam and this one was even better in my opinion. Billy and his foster siblings (who are now heroes alongside him) are still discovering their abilities and how to best use them without their parents knowing who they really are. But now a threat to their powers has happened with three sisters who want to dominate the powers of Shazam in their own world and on earth. I absolutely loved the story–great action and a lot of fun. It’s rated PG-13 and there is some intense scenes and moderate violence, one of the siblings says he’s gay, there is some flirting between a boy and girl, and a few crude words here and there. There’s not much foul language–it’s mostly insinuated. (You can read the parent guide here).
2. The Lethal Weapon Movies (One. Two. Three. Four.) Super Rockstar had a lot of evening activities recently, so I had some time to myself. I have always loved and enjoyed these movies and it had been a while since I had seen them (they’re originally from the late 1980’s/1990’s). I highly recommend them if you’ve never seen them or if it’s been a while for you too–great action, fantastic humor, and just a lot of fun. They’re rated R–so I don’t recommend for the kiddos.
3. The Mandalorian–Season 3. Oh boy have we loved watching this series as a family. Season 3 is just fantastic! Just when you thought you couldn’t love Grogu (Baby Yoda) any more–they made his character even better. There are so many great battle scenes and the CGI is incredible. It’s rated TV-14 (you can read the parent guide here).
I would love to hear our opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.