1.The Lost City. Every now and then, you just need a good, mindless comedy to watch–and this one hit the spot. It has Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum, with a brief appearance by Brad Pitt. The whole movie is pretty much a spoof on romance stories and at times mimicked the oldie but a goodie: Romancing the Stone. I loved it and laughed out loud several times. My boys thought it was bit cringy (anything having anything to do with romance gets this critique) and Super Rockstar thought it was ‘cute’. It’s rated PG-13. There is some backside nudity (where some leaches are being removed), some various uses of curse words, and there are a couple of scenes that are surprisingly violent graphically (you can read the parent guide here).
2. The Mitchells Vs The Machines. This is a Netflix original that our boys watched by themselves a couple of weeks ago. They loved it so much, that we decided to all watch it together. It is really good. The Mitchells are a quirky, kind of nerdy family that take a road trip and end up saving the world from a robot apocalypse. It’s got a really sweet side story of how hard it is for a Dad to connect with his growing up daughter — it has some great characters. I loved it. The boys loved it. Super Rockstar loved it. And my parents were visiting and saw it too–they loved it as well. It’s rated PG (you can read the parent guide here).
3. Vikings. Since Super Rockstar and I are in “show hole”–having finished up several series we were watching and awaiting new episodes of some favorites–we decided to try out a new series. We both like historical type pieces–so Vikings seemed like a good fit. We’re in the first season (there are 6 total) and so far it’s pretty good. There’s a lot of murder and mayhem, but it’s about Vikings–so I think that’s kind of expected. It’s rated TV-MA, so I most definitely don’t recommend it for kids.
4. Sonic the Hedgehog 2. We surprised the boys and took them to see this in the theater after school on Friday. They were absolutely thrilled. We all loved the 1st one and this one was every bit as good–if not even better. They did a great job of creating a fun story based on the video game characters–Jim Carry is brilliant as Dr. Robotnik. It’s just such an enjoyable movie and since it’s rated PG, I think it’s great for kids of all ages (you can read the parent guide here).
I would love to hear our opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.