1.Better Call Saul–Finale. Season 6 is the final season of this show and we were very sad to see it end. If you are not familiar–this is a prequal, side character spinoff, of the Breaking Bad series. Throughout the series there are numerous scenes from present day (always done in black and white) and then it switches to full color for timeline the series is following. I have enjoyed it every bit as much (if not more) than the Breaking Bad series. It gives the backstory of so many of the characters and we really enjoyed it. It’s rated TV-MA so I don’t recommend for kids.
2. Down Abbey Movie. We watched the entire TV series, so of course we have to watch the movies. As Super Rockstar put it after we finished the TV series finale–“I miss my friends”. We both fell in love with the entire Crawley family and their staff. I think the movie did a great job of continuing the story line and picking up where the TV show left off. It was so nice to peek into their lives once again. It’s rated PG–there is no nudity or foul language, but Thomas, the under-butler, is homosexual and there is a scene where he is dancing with another man. I am a big fan of historical fiction and this entire story has made me want to travel back in time.
3. Stranger Things–Season 4. This season has 9 episodes, but the last two are both very long. I’ll be honest–we thought this was the final season and it was leading up to a big finish with tying everything together. Even the way they did the ending–with so many good-byes and moments that seemed to drag on and on (It started to feel like the ending of the final Lord of the Rings movie) made it seem like it was the end. So, we were both very confused when it ended with so many questions unanswered. I looked it up and found out that there will be a season 5. Overall, we enjoyed it, but I’ll be honest– I’m not sure I care as much about the story anymore. This season in particular–the writers seemed to go for even more for a “horror movie” type feel. It’s rated TV-14, but with the scariness of the ‘upside-down’ and the horror element–I’m certain it would give my kids nightmares. Plus, there are some adult situations (homosexual characters, drinking and drug use, etc. You can read the parent guide here). I’m sure we’ll watch the next season when it comes out. I just think it’s time to finish the story–I would think Eleven must be getting very tired of screaming and getting bloody noses from her mind battles with monsters.
I would love to hear our opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.