1.NFL Football. My favorite time of year has finally arrived! Football season is HERE! Super Rockstar and I are Cowboys fans, Morgan loves the Patriots and Grayson’s team is the Dolphins. I also cheer on the Chiefs since I’m a Kansas girl. I know football isn’t everyone’s favorite, but I love it. You can keep your pumpkin spice latte’s (blech). Give me a referee whistle, Al Michaels commentary and Super Rockstar cursing like a sailor every Sunday afternoon. Ah. yes. Fall has begun.
2.Lightyear.We finally broke down and watched this movie since it’s streaming at no extra charge on Disney +. The way the director described the story is– that its the movie Andy (from Toy Story), watched that made him want a Buzz Lightyear toy. When I first heard about this movie–I was so excited. What a great idea! But then–what has become typical Disney–they mucked it all up with controversy. Sigh. Here’s the thing–it’s really just not that good. I was pretty disappointed overall. The best character is not Buzz Lightyear, but his robot cat named Sox. As for the controversial part of the movie (a lesbian kiss)–it’s during the beginning of the movie as part of a back story. It’s rated PG (you can read the parent guide here).
3. Joe Picket. This is a TV series streaming on Paramount +. It’s about a game warden who just took over in a small town in the Wyoming mountains. We’ve watched a few episodes and I am intrigued. It has all of the small-town characters you would expect–an uncaring sheriff, a town drunk, a wise older guy, and a wealthy family that’s into some shady business. First of all–I’m not a fan of the hat that Joe wears–I wish he would choose a real cowboy hat and not this cheesy whatever it is he’s wearing. And second, whereas the story is awesome, the acting is not all that great. I’m hoping since it’s the first season, that the actors will settle into their roles eventually and not play them so over the top. It’s rated TV-14 and has some violence (murders, etc), foul language and a few adult situations (you can read the parent guide here).
I would love to hear our opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.