The ones we liked:
1. Plane. Super Rockstar and I had our first date night of the year enjoying this good action flick. Gerard Butler plays Brodie Torrance who is a airline pilot. A lightening strike causes him to make an emergency landing on a war-torn island that is overtaken by a dangerous rebel group. One of his passengers, Louis Gaspar, is an accused murderer being transported by the FBI. When several passengers are taken hostage by the rebels, Torrance and Gaspar must work together to rescue them. We really enjoyed it. It’s rated R–so not one for the kiddos. But, I highly recommend for the grown ups.
2. Mayor of Kingstown. This is an interesting TV series starring Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye from the Marvel movies). He plays a broker/liaison for the prisoners, gangs, prison guards and police force for the town of Kingstown, MI–a town that is made up of mostly prisons and gangs. The business of keeping the peace outside the prison walls is dependent upon how well things are going for the prisoners on the inside. He is constantly talking the various groups down from the ledge to keep all out war from breaking out. It’s intense. It’s violent. It’s good. It’s rated TV-MA and definitely not for kids. We’ve watched season one and season two has just begun.
3. Ticket to Paradise. What a fun movie. How can you go wrong with Juila Roberts and George Clooney? It’s about a couple that is long divorced and their only daughter who had gone on a college graduation celebration trip to Bali–ends up falling in love with one of the locals and is getting married. They decide to put aside their differences and plot to keep the wedding from going forth. It’s sweet. It’s funny. And a great rom/com. We watched this one with the boys and the only part they were truly troubled by was the romance scenes and kissing. It’s rated PG-13. There are some subtle sexual references and there’s quite a few curse words (you can read the parent guide here).
The meh, not so great and absolute duds:
Every once in a while, Super Rockstar and I slip into show hole. This is a dangerous time for us–because we often think: “You know–we should try something new.” Sometimes this has led to good things– like new TV series to watch or movies we enjoy. But, more often than not–we find the dregs at the bottom of the barrel.
4. The Ridiculous 6. If you watched Saturday Night Live in the 90’s–you will recognize all the cast members: Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, David Spade, Will Forte, along with so many other notable actors. It’s a western that is the tale of Tommy–a white man raised by native Americans. His long-lost dad finds him and needs help getting $50,000 to pay a dangerous gang or he will be killed. Tommy goes on a journey and along the way discovers 5 half-brothers he never knew about. Together they rob and steal to get the money. Unfortunately, things don’t end well for them. It’s an absolutely stupid movie with lots of potty humor, bad language, inappropriate scenes and…did I mention stupid? If you want to watch a cringy, mind numbingly goofy movie–this is for you. It’s rated TV-14, but there’s no way I would allow my boys to watch this one (you can read the parent guide here).
5. R.I.P.D. 2. I was kind of excited to see this movie–I really enjoyed the first one with Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges. This one wasn’t as good. In fact, it was pretty awful in my opinion. It takes place in the old west. A sherif is killed in a shootout and wants nothing more than to go back and see his daughter get married. He whole heartedly agrees to be part of the R.I.P.D. so he can see her, but what he doesn’t know is that he will no longer be in his old body. He is now in the body of an African American woman. It gets even more weird. There is a demon trying to break damned souls free so that he can…wait for it.. take over the world. There were some good moments here and there, but overall–I would call this a dud. It’s rated PG-13 (you can read the parent guide here).
6. Detective Knight–Rogue. This looked promising. Not only does it star Bruce Willis, but it’s a trilogy. Awesome! Unfortunately, no. It was not awesome. It was not even a meh. It was an extremely slow and excruciatingly painful movie to watch. It’s not often that I want to quit watching a movie. This was definitely one of those times. Do not be fooled by the description of the movie–“a thrilling detective movie”. Bruce Willis is barely present in the movie and the appearances he does make–he is stone faced and void of all personality. We will not be watching the two other movies in the trilogy. It’s Rated R, so not for kids. And I don’t really recommend it for anyone.
I would love to hear our opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.