1.Gamer. This was an interesting concept for a movie. It’s a future in which a tech genius has invented a game in which you can control another human being. There’s a fantasy type game where people can sign up to be “actors” (the ones being controlled) or players. He also decided to create a game in which death row inmates can battle to the death in a combat type of situation and earn their freedom. The privilege of being a controller (game player) is only for the elite who can afford it. Inmate Kable (Gerard Butler) is only a couple of games away from winning his freedom when he realizes it’s all rigged. His game controller–a rich kid– helps him escape the game and now it’s now a battle of time to get rid of the implant chip and defeat the creator. It’s rated R and definitely not one for kids–a lot of adult content and graphic violence. But it’s a pretty good action flick.
2.True Lies–TV Series. ******GUEST REVIEW BY SUPER ROCKSTAR******
One of my top ten, all-time favorite movies is True Lies. Admittedly, it’s got some pretty serious foul language and a questionable lingerie dance scene. But Arnold Schwarzenegger living a secret life as a spy, so secret that even his wife, played by Jamie Lee Curtis, doesn’t know about it? That’s gold!
The movie came out in 1994 and, to my utter disappointment, there was never a sequel. So, when I heard there was going to be a new TV series based on the movie, needless to say, I got excited.
That didn’t last long.
If True Lies, the TV series, isn’t one of the worst things ever seen shot on camera, I’d like to know what could possibly be worse. Wooden actors…zero chemistry…terrible, predictable script…pathetic, cheap attempts at resurrecting some of the highlights from the movie, even the pacing is a slow, dreadful slog from scene to scene.
I am so disappointed. One of my favorite movies reduced to a high-school video editing project that undoubtedly would have earned the student a C-.
C’mon CBS, do better.
3. The Consultant–TV Series. Both Super Rockstar and I really like Christof Walz. In this TV series, he plays a rather strange character who comes takes over a game app company when the young owner is shot to death by a kid on a field trip. It gets stranger. He has a very sinister side to him and no one that works for the company can figure out where he came from, why he has the authority to take over the company and exactly what his intensions are. I’ll be honest–we only watched two episodes and decided to quit. Mostly because it has such a weird factor to it–it’s not enjoyable to me. It’s rated TV-MA with a lot of adult content, so I absolutely don’t recommend for kids.
4. Daisy Jones & The Six. A fellow musician friend (Matt–the keyboardist from SofaKillers) recommended this one. It’s about a band that made it big in the 1970’s. It’s written as a documentary where the band members are interviewed and looking back on their experience, and then flashes back to the actual happenings. We really like it and it’s got Super Rockstar itching to get into the recording studio soon. It’s rated TV-MA and I don’t recommend for kids–there’s a lot of alcohol and drug use shown, adult scenes and there is also a lesbian relationship that is suggested in the first few episodes and then episode 8–the entire first half of the show is about that relationship.
I would love to hear our opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.