1. Cowboys & Aliens. This is a really interesting idea for a movie. It’s from 2011 and has Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford. Super Rockstar and I watched it when it came out and didn’t remember if we liked it or not, so on a family movie night we watched it with our boys. It’s about an old 1873 western town that comes under attack from aliens. Some of the CGI is a little hokey, but the story is good, the action is great, and we all enjoyed it. It’s rated PG-13 (you can read the parent guide here).
2. Grosse Pointe Blank. This is one of Super Rockstar and my all-time favorites. It’s from 1997 and stars John Cusack. He plays a hitman who goes home to his high school reunion, reunites with his high school sweetheart and is also under attack by fellow hitmen when a contract is taken out on his life. We absolutely loved watching it with our boys. It’s rated R–but as I’ve mentioned many times before: that rating in the 80’s and 90’s was before the PG-13 rating was invented. This one would have definitely been PG-13 today (you can read the parent guide here).
3. Rise of the Planet of the Apes. My son Morgan recently asked about these movies since there is a new one coming out this spring/summer. It had been a while since Super Rockstar and I watched them–so we decided to start at the beginning. There are 3 movies total in the series so far. This one is all about how the apes came to be what the eventually become. Morgan thought it was kind of boring–too much set up, but is hoping the next ones are better. Grayson liked it ok, but also was kind of hoping for more action. We’ll see what they think after seeing the next two. It’s rated PG-13 (you can read the parent guide here).
I would love to hear your opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.