We are a family that loves movies and TV shows. Each week I’ll share what we watched and what we thought about them. I use an emoji system to let you know our individual opinions–: Loved it,
: it was ok (or meh), and
: didn’t like it (or disappointed). There are links to IMdb.com where you can find descriptions, trailers, and all the information you need about the movie. I also include links to their parent guide for what we watch with our children (PG-13 and above). Pluggedin.com is also a great resource to learn more about the content of movies, tv shows, games, books, and YouTube channels.
1. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. We got to catch this one in the theater. We have really enjoyed all of the Planet of the Apes movies and this one was good as well. The CGI is amazing, and I think that they did a really good job with the story. None of us were expecting it to be taking place so far in the future (way after Caesar) and most all of the apes speak now–rather than using sign language. But it’s kind of a grunting “ape” version of speaking. The ending leaves room for future stories to be told. As with all of the big action movies–I recommend seeing this in the theater if you can. It’s rated PG-13 (you can read the parent guide here).
Super Rockstar:
2. All the Star Wars Movies: Star Wars Episode I–The Phantom Menace (PG), Star Wars Episode II–Attack of the Clones (PG), Star Wars Episode III–Revenge of the Sith (PG-13–Parent Guide), Solo: A Star Wars Story (PG-13–Parent Guide), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (PG-13–Parent Guide), Star Wars Episode VII–The Force Awakens (PG-13–Parent Guide), Star Wars Episode VIII–The Last Jedi (PG-13–Parent Guide) and Star Wars Episode IX–The Rise of Skywalker (PG-13–Parent Guide). Everyone in our family all absolutely loves anything Star Wars and every so often (I think it’s been 2 or 3 years) we re-watch the movies in the story order. My least favorites are II and III–with “emo” Anikan. In my opinion, he comes across as kind of “wooden” but Super Rockstar read that he was directed to play the character this way. So…good job. I, II, and III are the boys’ favorites. Super Rockstar and I favor the most recent ones (VII, VIII and IX) with Rae, Finn, and Poe (and BB-8!) I also really love Solo and Rogue One. Since we mostly only watch movies on the weekends–it takes a while to get through them all. Also, our arsenal of light sabers suddenly re-appears, and many impromptu reenactments of battles take place. The Darth Vader Force Choke is always my weapon of choice.
Super Rockstar:
3. The 6 Million Dollar Man TV-14). Super Rockstar has a large collection of vintage toys from his youth–including a Six Million Dollar Man action figure that he keeps in his office at work. His boss recently gifted him the box set of the entire TV series that also includes the 3 movies that neither of us had ever seen. As with all shows and movies from that era (1970’s) they had not quite perfected the art of editing so some of the scenes seem really drawn out and pointless. Also, the way they used music in movies and tv shows was still being developed–so it’s often really out of place and even bizarre. It will take us a while to make it through all of them–but they sure are fun to watch. It brings back a lot of memories from when I was kid and how we would make the “eh, eh, eh, eh,” sound when we jumped.
Super Rockstar:
4. Fallout (TV-MA). This is a new show streaming on Netflix based on the popul video game. Super Rockstar and I decided to check it out when we were in a recent “show hole”. Neither of us know anything about the video game–so in watching the first episode we felt lost and confused. Our boys–who’ve never played the game but know quite a bit about it–filled us in on afterward. I’ll be honest. It was bizarre and has a kind of creepiness to it that at I didn’t enjoy. We’ve decided to not watch any more for now. If you are a fan of the game, you’ll have to let me know if it lives up to what you were hoping for.
Super Rockstar:
That’s all for now. I would love to hear your opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch. Tune in next week for an updated list from us.