As I looked around my yard and saw that the grass is turning from deathly brown to some resemblance of green (the weeds are of course thriving) and our trees have sweet little buds that are starting to open up–it makes me feel hopeful. Spring has finally sprung and winter is finally coming to an end.
With this whole nonsense of the Coronavirus COVID-19 dragging on and on (and on)–it’s starting to remind me of our long Colorado winters that always seem to over stay their welcome. I don’t know about you, but I’m done. I’m ready for this little bugger to be wiped out into oblivion never to be seen again.
There are SO many signs of hope that the end of this trial is coming. In our state they are easing up a bit on our restrictions–we’ve gone from level: “Keep your butt at home” to “You can go out, but your butt is safer at home” (my interpretation). Just the IDEA that we can start spreading our wings a bit again puts me in a good mood.( Although Dr. Fauci–God bless him, just can’t seem to bring himself to allow us to have hope. He’s become our overprotective worry wart parent:”Don’t touch anything, go anywhere or do anything–it could kill you!”)
I know that all of our distancing and isolation efforts have been necessary and I’m definitely happy that it’s saving lives. But, I also know that it is not realistic to shut down the world until this thing is completely gone. We have to adapt and learn to live in a new normal–and yes, that means putting measures in place to protect us from further spread, but it also means–we need to get back to work, and life, and–most importantly—SCHOOL.
I’ve talked with several neighborhood parents and we’re all in agreement about the fact that if school doesn’t resume in the fall–there’s going to be mutiny. All they had to do was even hint at the idea it might not and–move over experts–parents will science the #@%$ out of this thing (we’ve been paying close attention to our kids online learning) and it will be solved and eradicated by next Tuesday.
I know we’re still a ways off from returning to normal–it’s going to take a lot more time and patience. But, we can hang on to the signs of hope. The One who holds the future–has this all well in hand. We may feel unstable and uncertain–and yes even a little pessimistic (Dr. Fauci), but we don’t have worry. There’s a song by Out of the Grey called Hope in Sight–I love the lyrics of the chorus:
There is hope in sight, hope in sight
If seeing is believing, then call me a believer
Hope in sight, there is hope in sight
Now that I can see You through the eyes, the eyes of faith.
Have faith, my friends. There is definatley hope in sight!