I was so young and naïve then. Sigh. Those were good times.
So, what should I do now? Scrap the list? Re-write it? Or….is it possible to just keep on keeping on? I may be crazy, but I’m going with door number 3. It’s a little trickier with adapting to this current way of life (if I hear the words “new normal” ONE more time–I’m going to lose it), BUT being the eternal optimist I am(or complete and utter fool)–I think I can do it. Now, if alien ships start showing up with little green guys threatening to abduct us all or the sky opens up and starts raining fire bombs–I’ll wave the white flag. In looking at my list though–I realize that it’s still very doable.
I confess–I did take a bit of a break from working toward my goals(global pandemic–excuses, excuses), but here’s where I’ve landed so far:
1.Lose weight. Like many of you–I kind of over did it on my quarantine snacks. Since we’re watching a lot more movies–my habit has always been to eat popcorn (how can you not?) AND candy while watching. I unfortunately gained back what I had lost, plus a couple more (oh the aggravation).
But, I’m fighting my way through it. I don’t have much to report at this exact date–other than I’m back to square one. I am trying something new and I’ll share that with you at a future date.
2. Pay off our debt. We’ve actually made some good progress on this front thanks in part to our annual tax refund from Uncle Sam. But then, we ended up with a large unexpected medical bill (curse words!) At this point, I feel grateful for Super Rockstar’s job and that we have been able to pay off any at all. But, I wouldn’t mind–just once–not having any surprise expenses come up.
3. Purge and organize the past 10 years worth of photos. This is such an enormous undertaking with thousands of photos to go through. It wouldn’t be so bad, but over the years as I have transferred photos to my hard drive –I have accidently made duplicates (and sometimes duplicates of duplicates). For some stupid reason I don’t quite understand, my computer has re-numbered some of the duplicate photos. So now, I have to stare at my computer screen comparing photos to try to purge them. I’m about to go blind and I’m beginning to think this may be a 20 year project.
4. Write a book. I’ve made some decent progress on this in the past few months. I read two really good books on the writing process and worked up the courage to write a summary of my story idea. It’s in the bitty, baby, steps–but just coming up with a story and plot idea has energized me to want to fill it in.
5. Focus my blog and post 3 times a week. Finding time to write has become a unique challenge with all of my humans at home. There is no where to hide that they don’t find me. Plus, the volume level of our home has become quite a bit louder all day–some days I find that I’m plugging my ears just to try to hear myself think. Some weeks I’ve been able to post once or twice, sometimes not at all and sometimes I’ve just re-shared some old posts.
I hope you haven’t given up on your goals. Let’s not let some pesky little virus keep us from achieving great things this year!