1. The Chosen–Season 2. If you haven’t watched this yet–it is absolutely fantastic. Jerry Jenkins (Left Behind Series) son, Dallas, is the mastermind behind this TV series based on Jesus ministry years on earth. I absolutely, highly recommend. You’ll want to watch season 1 first. We are about 6 episodes in on season 2 and just love it. It’s a little tricky to watch (at least for those of us that have fussy Wi-Fi). Just download the app and then you can use Airplay to “cast it” to your smart TV.
2. Animal Kingdom. We started this series and only got about 5 episodes into the first season before we decided to call it quits. I like the overall concept–thief family that takes on a nephew whose Mom died and he is introduced into their wild criminal life. It just crosses WAY too many lines for my taste. When something starts troubling my spirit and it doesn’t bring enjoyment–it’s time to stop.
3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul. This is the last of the movies (so far) and some things to note–it has a brand new cast. All of the actors that you fell in love with for the first 3 movies are no longer present. The good news is that the new actors did a pretty good job portraying the characters (Alicia Silverstone plays the Mom). In this one the family is taking a long (47 hours long) road trip to go to Grandma’s 90th birthday. Mom decides that all electronic devices should be confiscated and….well, I’m sure you can imagine how that went. It has all of the funny, cringy, goofy moments that the first 3 have. It’s rated PG and you and your family will love it (you can read the parent info here).
I would love to hear your opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.