1.Sudden Impact (Dirty Harry 4). We continue our Dirty Harry saga. It has more squinty eyes closeups–and the famous line “make my day”. The criminal in this one is a female vigilante going after all those that harmed her. As with all this series of movies, it’s rated R–so definitely not for kids. Also, the vigilante is a rape victim and there is a few disturbing flash back scenes. It has some good action and the music kind of went with the scenes. Kind of.
2. Poldark (Season 2). We are LOVING this TV show. It originally aired on PBS Masterpiece Series and is now available to stream on Amazon Prime. Season 1 ended with a cliff hanger–which is why I’m so grateful for the gift of binge watching. You can start up the next season and not have to wait an interminable amount of time to find out what’s going to happen. Things to note about this series. The main character Ross is chronically making poor decisions that teeter on the edge of lying, cheating and stealing. He tries to be a moral man, but the struggle is real. Francis, his cousin, is chronically unhappy–whining, crying, and also making poor decisions. Every episode contains some sort of tension. Will they find copper? Will they get caught helping their poor, starving tenants with smuggling goods? Will they lose it all in a game of cards? Will the ever sniveling conniving snake of an enemy, George, be successful in destroying the Poldark family? Tune in next time to find out. It tends to be a sort of soap opera ish drama. It’s kind of similar to Downton Abby in that characters may be killed off without warning. But, it is REALLY good. We are hooked!
3. The Bourne Identity. The movie begins with some men on a fishing boat pulling in a body. The man is alive, but doesn’t remember who he is. The doctor on board discovers a hidden capsule under his skin with a bank account number–and the drama goes on from there. He discovers he is government assassin named Jason Bourne and the people that created him to be a killer are now out to kill him. Super Rockstar and I LOVE this series of movies so much. We now felt that our boys were old enough to enjoy and appreciate them–and boy did they. It’s rated PG-13 and has some foul language, a lot of fight and killing scenes and one smooching scene. I felt it was very appropriate for tween/teenage (you can read the parent info here).
4. The Bourne Supremacy. In this one, Jason and his love–Marie-have found peace and tranquility far, far away. But, an assassin is sent to take Jason out. He’s mad as heck and not going to take it any more–so he goes after them. There are some awesome chase scenes in this one and a lot of good drama. The boys enjoyed this one as well. It’s also rated PG-13 (read parent info here), but it’s mostly because of the foul language and fight scenes.
I would love to hear your opinions and any suggestions you may have of what to watch.